About The Secrets of Reality, Concepts of Consciousness by M.G. Hawking, Jenna Wolfe Ph.D.
Special Edition Anthology. “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of the existence of consciousness. The mind is the matrix of all matter.” —Max Planck, originator of Quantum Mechanics, Nobel Laureate. We perceive, conceptualize, and interact with what we call “reality” through our consciousness, and consciousness is the mystery of mysteries. Consciousness is the thing most directly known to us, and, in the assessment of scholars, from philosophers to physicists, it is the only thing directly known to us. The vast tapestry of the energy-matter “reality” that surrounds us seems far less mysterious, even though less directly known. Scientific research has provided remarkable new windows into the secrets of reality, revealing it to be composed of an infinite number of threads of consciousness.
“The world is a construct of our mind’s sensations, perceptions, beliefs, memories. It is convenient to regard it as existing objectively on its own. But it certainly does not.” —Erwin Schrödinger, Nobel Laureate
“The so-called miraculous powers of a great master are a natural accompaniment to his exact understanding of subtle laws that operate in the inner cosmos of consciousness.” —Yogananda (A.D. 1893-1952)
This book contains an exploration of consciousness and its most advanced abilities as revealed through accounts of explorer M.G. Hawking’s experiences in an ancient village deep in the vast frozen fortress of the Himalayas. Explore first-hand narratives of demonstrations of psychokinetic and extrasensory abilities, and in-depth descriptions of the esoteric knowledge that enabled the attainment of such exceptional powers.
“The so-called miraculous powers of a great master are a natural accompaniment to his exact understanding of subtle laws that operate in the inner cosmos of consciousness.” —Yogananda (A.D. 1893-1952)
Advanced abilities of consciousness enable a person to influence a physical system without direct physical interaction, a capacity increasing recognized in the academic and scientific communities as part of the field of human ability. Although widely acknowledged in India, Nepal, Tibet and various Himalayan areas of Asia, paranormal abilities have in the Western World been largely disregarded by the general population. However, in the scientific community the perception is very different. For example, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research program pursues an agenda of studying the interaction of human consciousness with the physical world to enable a better understanding of the role of consciousness in the establishment of “reality.”
“Atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts.” —Werner Heisenberg, Nobel Laureate
As entertaining as it is enlightening, this is an incomparable book for anyone seeking enlarged knowledge and personal power. 2023 Edition, Nine Book Exploratory Anthology, e-reader page count 265 (estimated, actual count varies depending on the reading device used). A Kindle Unlimited Book. For more information, please see the book’s Amazon page. Thank you.
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