About HOW TO HAVE MIND BLOWING, ENGAGING & ENERGIZING MEETINGS: From Boring to Interesting & effective using radiant thinking
Meetings, like friction, are a necessary evil for every organization. Quite commonly heard in organizations are comments like – “ I love the sleep inducing effect of our meets” or “It is surely death by meetings for us” or “We need more action and not more meetings” or “Where is the meeting headed?” or “Our meetings suck!” – and the list is endless.
Even if you hate them, you cannot escape them in an organizational set up. Imagine, however, if you could literally transform your meetings to become more engaging, energizing and effective. And that too using the simple yet powerful and proven techniques of radiant and visual thinking via Mind Maps.
Challenges exist in all organizations but many a time the top management looks entirely outside for solutions and in the process undermines or overlooks the creative potential of the company’s internal resources. Failed internal meetings around challenges, problem solving and more, are taken as added proof by the management of the inability of their resources to solve complex problems. Nothing can be further from the truth!
Every meeting provides an opportunity to harness the unique creativity of participants as also the collective intelligence of the team. And an organization, which fails to do so is losing a golden opportunity to transform itself positively. Meetings fail or remain ineffective when individuals are unaware about simple brain friendly techniques to tap the full creative potential of the participants and this is where my Book offers to guide you.
Using the simple steps indicated in the Book, backed by real life examples, you can transform your meetings around the following topics and more:
• Goals setting
• Decision making
• Communication
• Planning
• Sales & marketing
• Project management
• Innovation
The Book includes around 20 plus ready to use templates on the aforementioned topics, which you can immediately put to use for your meetings. And once you have learnt how to apply radiant thinking, it would be very easy for you to extend it to any area of your work. This is a ready blueprint for you to usher in positive change in your organization.
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