About Rules of College Management by Everest Turyahikayo
The Novel, “Rules of College Management,” tells the story of Uchoyo, the principal of Talaka College of Philosophical Studies. Uchoyo joins the college after competing for the job with himself. Two days after reporting, he holds a meeting with the senior staff to gauge the extent to which they appreciated problems affecting the college. Luckily, they raise petty issues, something that not only surprises Uchoyo but also excites him.
Uchoyo finds in place a system of admission tests for new entrants which most applicants are failing. The high failure at admission coupled with the high failure rate in philosophy examinations acts in concert to taint Uchoyo’s image. He abolishes the admission test and students and parents are overjoyed. The admissions numbers quadruples, and the council which met after a while instructs him to organise a symposium. He organises it but declines to invite them. At the symposium, he invites his girlfriend into a hotel room. In the middle of the night, the girl suffers from an epileptic attack, and Uchoyo thinks she is dead. Bayuuni, his subordinate save the girl by fanning her for close to half an hour.
Uchoyo continues to grapple with multitudes of students after successfully abolishing the admission test. He strategically exploits the problem to his advantage by earning hefty travel allowances under the disguise of benchmarking in non-existent colleges. Uchoyo also embarks on travelling abroad for vacations every two weeks.
As time goes by, the government directs that all money collected from public colleges should be deposited on an account belonging to the ministry for pecuniary affairs. Uchoyo is vexed and has no option but to comply. However, he introduces alumni fees and ensures that students deposit the fee onto bank account of which he is the principal signatory. Uchoyo and Fedha squander the alumni subscriptions which creates jealousy among some equally greedy but deprived senior teachers.
He starts facing internal revolt most especially from Mwongo, one of the teachers. Mwongo who sees herself as fit to replace Uchoyo embarks on a blackmailing and bad-mouthing campaign. The alumni cash turns into a curse by increasing agitation from Mwongo who feels she is excluded from the eating. However, Uchoyo’s favourite successor is Bayuuni, Mwongo’s rival. Mwongo designs an ambitious plan to annihilate her perceived rivals.
In order to curb the revolt, Uchoyo opens another campus in the eastern part of Talaka city to hire his new breed of workers who should pay allegiance to him. His primary objective though is to offer jobs to his jobless nephews and cousins who continue camping at his home in demand for jobs. Uchoyo divides his time between the two campuses. Whenever he is stressed up, he travels to the annex campus where he has built a second home.
The internal revolt from staff intensifies and high failure rates create agitation among students. In order to appease disgruntled staff and students, he tinkers with the normal grading system. More students score first class degrees. For staff, he introduces birthday parties and allowances for newly born. While many students score first class degrees, an error in the tinkering pushes many students into pass degree category who would otherwise score second class.
Uchoyo nears retirement, and Mwongo intensifies her ambition to replace him. She clobbers Bayuuni, her rival, with a block after a reconciliation meeting, Uchoyo chaired. Bayuuni dies in hospital after spending a week on treatment. Mwongo is arrested and during the trial process, Judge Kabisi finds Mwongo not guilty by reason of insanity and he refers her to the community facility for the insane elite.
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