About Money Mastering: The Simplest, Yet Most Important Money Management Tips You Should Have Been Taught at School
Do you find yourself struggling to manage your money effectively and wishing you were taught basic financial literacy at school?
It’s never too late to learn and remove all this financial stress by taking control of your money. This book will teach you HOW to master your money in an easy-to-follow way.
As expats for many years, we’ve both started from zero, hardly making means end, accumulating debt and worrying about small payments. We’ve learned key money lessons the hard way through our own experiences and struggles and we’ve found that many others face the same issues – issues that could have been avoided with a simple money management system.
We wrote this book for the ordinary person who wants to live a life where you control your money instead of them controlling you and is looking for clear guidance and practical, easy-to-apply tips every day. Money Mastering is different from most other books out there that sell an unrealistic dream of getting rich fast or are too detailed with too many calculations and too many steps that overwhelm a regular person. This book will give you basic financial literacy that no one is teaching you at school and is simple and easy to understand. You will learn:
How to set up your money objectives and priorities
How to build a practical system to manage your personal finances
How to create and manage a budget
How to build your emergency fund as a safety net
How to tackle debt
How to start saving, investing and preparing for retirement
Mastering Money will provide you with a simple guide that allows you to be fully in control of your personal finances and leave you with a 4-week practical challenge at the end to apply what you’ve learned immediately and start seeing positive results.
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