About Built For Duty: Claim Your Power, Live Fearlessly And Become Unstoppable To Win At Anything You Set Your Mind To.
This motivational book does a wonderful job of explaining how you can use the power of your goals and ambitions to change your circumstances for the better.”
“Once upon a time. A daughter once grumbled to her father about how awful her life was and how she didn’t know how she was going to make it. She had become weary of always battling and suffering. It seems that as soon as one issue was resolved, a new one arose.
She was led into the kitchen by her chef’s father. He put three pots on fire, each full of water. He put potatoes in one pot, eggs in another, and ground coffee beans in the third once the water in the three pots started to boil.
Without uttering a word to his daughter, he then let them boil for a while. The girl complained and watched him work with trepidation.
He switched off the burners after twenty minutes. The potatoes were removed from the pot and put in a bowl by the man. The boiled eggs were removed and put in a bowl by him.
He then poured the coffee into a cup and ladled it out. He questioned, turning to face her. What do you see, daughter?
She hurriedly answered, “Potatoes, eggs, and coffee.”
Look closely and touch the potatoes, he instructed. She did and saw how soft they were. Then he instructed her to crack an egg. She removed the shell and looked at the hard-boiled egg. He then prompted her to take a drink of the coffee. Her grin was spurred on by its enticing perfume.
What does this imply, Father?
Then he went on to say that boiling water was the same challenge that the potatoes, eggs, and coffee beans had to overcome.
Each one, however, responded uniquely.
The potato started robust, hard, and unyielding, but after being boiled, it weakened and softened.
The egg was delicate, and the thin shell served as protection for the liquid within until it was placed in the pot of boiling water. The egg’s inside then become firm.
The ground coffee beans, however, were special. They altered the water after being exposed to the hot water and produced something new.
He asked, “Which one are you?” to his daughter. How do you react when misfortune comes knocking at your door? Are you a coffee bean, a potato, or an egg?
Stop Postponing Your Goals—Start Now! Learn how to control your mindset so that you can handle any challenges that may arise.
What are you waiting for? Get this book now to discover how to “Claim your power, live fearlessly and become unstoppable to win at anything you set your mind to”.
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