Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I live in Nottingham, England in the UK. I have written so many books but I’ve published five so far with another due any time now. I’m married (15 years this month) and I have two children, both boys, one aged 15 and another aged 11. I also have 4 dogs!!
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is Splintered Hearts. I have always loved MC romance books. I like the whole forceful dominant male thing that they have going on. I read so many where at the end I was wanting more or thinking of ways in which I’d change it. I decided to write my own and it was one of the first MC romances that I wrote but I only decided to publish it more recently. I like to write about things that happen in real relationships, cheating and fiery arguments. I like to feel that heartache when I’m reading and so I try to add it into my books too.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Not really, once I get a story build in my head I just write and it flows naturally. I sometimes like to listen to music whilst I write so that it sets the mood, i.e. love songs for sadder parts of the story.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
There are so many! I love Tillie Cole, her MC books rock. I was also one of the many that fell in love with Christian Grey! EL James was brave enough to put that story out there and look how it worked out for her. Once I’d read that I got onto the likes of Sylvia Day and her Cross fire series. I’m also a huge fan of many smaller authors, i never go on reviews, i always read the synopsis and if i like the sound of it i will download. There are far too many cynics out there that will shoot a book down for the stupidest of things.
What are you working on now?
I’m currently working on two books and I keep flitting between them. One is a vampire romance, it’s the first time I’ve tried to write anything like this and I’m quite excited about it. The other is another MC romance about a girl that’s running away from her past.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I spend countless hours sharing my book links on social media! Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are my popular go-to sites but I’m starting to look further afield such as AllAuthor and Awesome Gang. I’ve made posters and book trailer video’s that I share continuously but it is very time-consuming.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Keep at it! Everyone is someone’s favourite Author. Someone will love your work and just stick at it until you find those fans. There will be haters and bad reviews and I can’t lie, they do get to you but you have to learn to take it on the chin and focus on the positives because, for every bad review I’ve had, I’ve had three good ones. Also, take on board the critics, listen to what they say so that the next book is an improvement. You’ll always be improving with each book you write, it’s a constant learning curve. Don’t be disheartened when the first book isn’t a multi million-seller, I’ve heard it takes a few books to get established until you begin to see any real earnings.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Write what you like, don’t listen to that one person that tells you to write less drama or whatever it is they don’t like about your book. It’s your book, in your head and only you know that story if they want to change it then get them to write their own book.
What are you reading now?
I am currently working my way through The Master MC series by B.B Blaque. Just finished Property Of and I’ve downloaded Beautiful Insanity. Totally recommend these books, by the way, this Author’s writing style is amazing.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m going to keep writing every spare second I get. It’s hard because I also work full time so I have to fit it in with that as well as take care of the kids etc. I’m often writing well into the night. I want to finish the Vampire romance to see how well that does and if people love it maybe that will be another genre for me to try.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Oh, my that’s so hard. Can’t I just take a Kindle with loads of books?? Lol. I’d take Fifty Shades of Grey, all three because I can read those over and over. It’s a story I completely fell in love with.
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