About Night of the Lunar Dead
This block of description/hype is supposed to convince you to buy the book, but, in this case, is that really necessary? It’s zombies on the moon! Zombies on the moon! We suppose we could also tell you that it stars the irrepressible Mr. K and his lovely associate Lillian… that it’s chock full of action; witty banter; beautiful, capable women; and gruesome zombie attacks… that it all builds up to a (literally) explosive climax, followed by an ending you won’t believe… but does any of that even matter? I mean, come on: ZOMBIES on the flipping MOON! We might as well be printing money here.
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Author Bio:
Since 1990 Brad D. Sibbersen has drawn a long-running comic strip, been in two bands, published a critically-acclaimed comic book series, produced film and television, and written multiple novels and short stories, none of which you have ever heard of so he has basically failed across all media. Nevertheless, his classic pulp inspired horror and sci-fi tales are guaranteed to rip your brain out of your skull and slam-dunk it on the concrete floor of your darkest nightmares. Or something. Really, you should check ’em out. (Brain ripping/dunking guarantee void in Ohio.)