Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’ve written one book, Last Time She Died, completely. It was published in February. I have another book I’m currently working hard on and several others in the works.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
It’s called Last Time She Died.
The idea for how I came up with it is a weird and hopefully funny story. I was out kayaking with a friend and we were both pretty new to it. It was my first time and all the equipment I was using was brand new. I managed to flip the kayak in very shallow water and I could brush the bottom with my fingers but not flip over. The release strap was too tight and I couldn’t release myself so I was stuck, upsidedown, strapped into this kayak.
I did, obviously, manage to get free but I had this lingering thought after that perhaps I’d died and was too stupid to have realized it. I chatted with a coworker about it who had a similar ‘almost died’ experience and we joked that perhaps we were all dead.
And thus, the idea for the book was born.
It did, however, go through a lot of changes and the end product still has that premise. She’s dead and just doesn’t know for several years.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I’m not sure. I know that when I get really into what I’m doing, I tend to stop eating or drinking. I’m not sure that’s unusual, but it’s probably very unhealthy.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
So many. But I think my biggest for this book was probably a weird combination of RL Steine and Stephen King. When I was younger, Goosebumps were my absolute favorite. I bought each one the day it was released and read it in a couple hours. I loved the spooky stories and as I got older, I loved things that were in that same vein. I found Stephen King and I just love his books.
My book isn’t horror, but I wanted the scary parts to give the same feels as Stephen King and I read a lot of his books while I was writing.
What are you working on now?
I’m currently working on a book about a young girl who accidentally kills her mother because she has the power to control fire and finds out at the worst possible time – during a fight with his mother.
I’m about halfway through and I’m really enjoying writing it. I’m hoping I can wrangle my characters and tell them to do. Time will tell, but I’m excited to see where this story takes me.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I haven’t really found one yet that I can say alone did amazing. I find that it’s a combination of many things to get your face and your book out there to as many people in the places they look.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
If you love it, keep doing it. Your first book might not be amazing. It might not sell huge amounts, and that’s ok. If you reach one new person, that’s wonderful. People write for so many reasons and none of them are wrong. If you love what you’re doing, keep doing it. You’ll find your audience.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Kill your darlings. It sounds so easy, but it’s very hard to kill plot lines or characters or whatever that you love, even when you know they aren’t doing anything for your story. If something in your writing isn’t serving a purpose, cut it out.
What are you reading now?
I’m finishing up a book by Austrian Spencer called The Sadeiest. It’s a dark book about death and I’m really enjoying it. I should have it finished tonight!
What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m not sure. The world, maybe. But, more likely, I’ll just be out here doing my thing. I’m just amazingly proud that I’ve made it this far and for all the love Last Time She Died has gotten me. Every new review makes me smile and I can’t wait to keep going.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Funny question. Someone asked me this the other day and I joked that I would take books on how to survive on desert islands. I know that’s not the point of the question, but…I want to live and then write a story about my amazing tale once I get home. I have skills for living outdoors, but that’s in the mountains. I don’t know how to make drinkable water from the sea. So, while it’s a joke, I stand firm. Survival books.
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Niki Kamerzell Website
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