About Oliver’s Playground Quest: balance creativity and everyday life
“Oliver’s Playground Quest” is a heartwarming and therapeutic children’s story that takes young readers on a journey of discovery and growth. Written by a psychologist who specializes in working with parents and children, this tale introduces us to Oliver, a young boy who learns to balance the world of imagination with the demands of everyday life. With the loving guidance of his grandmother, Oliver explores school, hobbies, and the endless wonders of creativity. The story, accompanied by vibrant illustrations, not only sparks children’s imagination but also imparts valuable life lessons. It’s a book that celebrates the magic of finding equilibrium between play and responsibilities, making it a must-read for children and parents alike.
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Author Bio:
Ioana Popa is a dedicated psychologist with a passion for working with children. Her understanding of the most common fears and needs of young kids has led her to create therapeutic stories that help children and their parents. Ioana's stories inspire courage, imagination, and self-discovery. Her mission is to provide young readers with captivating tales that not only entertain but also nurture essential life skills.