Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I am a contemporary romance author of three published full length novels. What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it? My most recent release is titled "Darling's Desire" … [Continue reading] about TD Hassett
Jason Blair
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. My name is Jason W. Blair and I am a novelist. But aside from writing captivating tales that tug at the heartstrings, I am first and foremost a reader. I have just finished my second novel … [Continue reading] about Jason Blair
Medeas Wray
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I used to be a professional writer - but I've done many jobs, pizza-delivering, painting and decorating, fruit picking, waiting on tables - as well as the other stuff like a bit of … [Continue reading] about Medeas Wray
Sylvia Sarno
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I'm a former business person with a degree in English Lit. Originally from the Boston area, I've been living in Southern California for a long while. I married a great guy and we have a … [Continue reading] about Sylvia Sarno
David J. O’Brien
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I was born and raised in Dun Laoghaire, Ireland. I studied environmental biology and later studied deer biology for my PhD, at University College Dublin. Instead of pursuing my life-long … [Continue reading] about David J. O’Brien
Tahlia Newland
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. Hi, I’m the author of the multi-award-winning Diamond Peak Series. I write heart-warming and inspiring magical realism and contemporary fantasy for young adults and adults. I’m also an … [Continue reading] about Tahlia Newland
Laurette Long
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I was born in the UK, near Brontëland. Graduating from the University of Leicester with a degree in English, I taught in the USA, UK and France, where I now live. My first forays into … [Continue reading] about Laurette Long
Lira Brannon
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. Hi, I live on a little hill in NE Texas where everything is bigger--including the bugs. I homeschool my 3 children, run a cleaning business, and try to keep up with the millions of … [Continue reading] about Lira Brannon
Johan Oeyen
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. Seasoned energy healer Johan Oeyen has been actively helping people experience dramatic, dynamic changes in their lives for over 10 years. Using the unique techniques described in his debut … [Continue reading] about Johan Oeyen
Lynette White
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I am a native of Central Montana and currently live in Utah. I am almost ashamed to admit it took me decades to get serious about writing. After completing the Tracy Hickman online course … [Continue reading] about Lynette White
Gary Haynes
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I studied law at university and completed my postgraduate training at the College of Law. As a lawyer, I specialize in commercial dispute resolution, which is basically helping businesses … [Continue reading] about Gary Haynes
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. From India,graduated as an engineer, worked in a government department till 2005. Retired now, just touched 70 recently, bachelor, living alone. Got one book, JESTUS, published. Second … [Continue reading] about SURY V.S
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I have been writing for a good many years, mostly for my own pleasure, but in the last five years I have taken the craft more seriously, and have started to edit and re-edit books I wrote … [Continue reading] about PETER MARTIN
How to Get More Followers on Twitter
When I first signed up for a twitter account years ago, I did not know what to do with twitter. I just followed my friends and acquaintances, sharing my experiences and talking to my friends. I was not even aware of the importance of having people … [Continue reading] about How to Get More Followers on Twitter
How To Sign Up For Instagram
Instagram has been very popular since 2012. Did you know that Instagram is not just for personal use, it can be also good for any type of business? Yes, that is correct. Instagram is a very good way to promote your books through posting the images … [Continue reading] about How To Sign Up For Instagram
Angie Newson
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. Many years ago I attended college with a view to 'going into' journalism and at that time you had to have shorthand and typing so did a Liberal Arts course! I then got a job in a film … [Continue reading] about Angie Newson
Chris Vaughn
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I grew up listening to my parents, especially his Mother who was an incredible story teller who kept the neighborhood kids spellbound by her constant wild stories of childhood, life, and … [Continue reading] about Chris Vaughn
K L Shandwick
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I am an Indie self pubished Author and so far I've written a trilogy which is called The Everything Trilogy. It is a complex love story spanning the three books. The books are Enough Isn't … [Continue reading] about K L Shandwick
Tracy C Sallis
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. Hi! I'm from a small city in the north of the United Kingdom called Hull. I live with my partner, daughter and a demon fuzzball (read:Cat) called Essie. I have been writing for years … [Continue reading] about Tracy C Sallis
Vinnie Tortorich
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I've been a fitness trainer for 30+ years. I have two books published. With the first book, Monty, which is a children's book, I took the traditional route of publishing and the book did … [Continue reading] about Vinnie Tortorich