Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. This is my first book: Another Day to Love - Sunday Morning Ramblings. It took me until I was 50 years old to say out loud, "I am a writer." Jane Austen and I are born on the same day. … [Continue reading] about Kolein Carlson
Sharon Stewart
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I am a lightworker, wayshower, and a channeler of extraterrestrials and universals. I've channeled 5 books and written one solo. The 5 books are focused on what's going on on our planet … [Continue reading] about Sharon Stewart
Matthew Hattersley
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. To date I have written 3 standalone novels: Half a Person, Cookies and Double Bad Things. I am also working on a new series of crime/vigilante justice thrillers, based around Acid Vanilla, … [Continue reading] about Matthew Hattersley
Elise H. Ford
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I am a mother of two young children, a wife, a hufflepuff, a weirdo, and a dork. My imagination runs wild and helps me to write. I have three books published right now and three more that … [Continue reading] about Elise H. Ford
Gerald Cranwell
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I'm a former US Navy cryptolinguist, with a love for history. I started studying the American Civil War many years ago, when I was teaching analysis to military students; often, I used … [Continue reading] about Gerald Cranwell
HG Jones
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I am HG, a former jounrnalist and political commentator. Under my pen name HG Jones, I have written 5 novels and 3 short stories under the Parliamentary Desires series, 2 novels under the … [Continue reading] about HG Jones
Marco Rafalà
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I'm a first-generation Sicilian American novelist, musician, and writer for award-winning tabletop role-playing games. How Fires End is my first novel. My short fiction has appeared in the … [Continue reading] about Marco Rafalà
J. Salvatore Domino
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I spent nearly 30 years writing technical documents and training materials for fortune 500 companies. I learned to take complex technical specifications and convert them into easy to … [Continue reading] about J. Salvatore Domino
J. Sharpe
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I'm a dutch author who write suspense novels and am best known for the fact that I blends themes and elements from two or more different genres in my books, including the bestseller Eden … [Continue reading] about J. Sharpe
Lawrence Lockett
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I have released one book so far, I have written more that I didn't release and I am working on two new books at the moment which I hope to release this year. What is the name of your … [Continue reading] about Lawrence Lockett
Kim Staflund
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I've written/published over 40 of my own books now. I also help other authors to publish their books. So many people are publishing books of all kinds nowadays, and they need guidance … [Continue reading] about Kim Staflund
Eric Wilder
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I grew up in the sleepy bayou town in far northwest Louisiana listening to my Mississippi and East Texas grandmother's tales of ghosts, magic, and voodoo. I've written thirteen novels, four … [Continue reading] about Eric Wilder
Mike Scantlebury
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I'm Mike and I live in North West England, which is the non-fashionable side of the country. I write Crime Fiction thrillers in two series. The first is called 'Mickey from Manchester', and … [Continue reading] about Mike Scantlebury
Amanda DeShane
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. My name is Amanda DeShane. I am a artist and writer, so I guess you could say I have one foot firmly in both worlds. With experience as an early childhood educator and being a mother, it … [Continue reading] about Amanda DeShane
Deonne Williams
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I live on the sandbar known as Florida. I am happily married to Rory and blissfully owned by a stunning mare named Kay Kay and a demanding over-familiar tuxedo cat named Ritz. I love … [Continue reading] about Deonne Williams
Norman Brewer
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I'm a retired journalist living in the Washington, D.C. area. I also did a stint as director of employee communications at the Transportation Security Administration in the U.S. Department … [Continue reading] about Norman Brewer
KC Freeman
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I am a fantasy/paranormal romance author. My debut novel, Rekindled Prophecy - Book 1 of the Greylyn the Guardian Angel series, came out November 19, 2019 in hard cover and ebook (paperback … [Continue reading] about KC Freeman
Lee Ofner
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I am writing on behalf of Matthew D Hutcheson, who is in federal prison. Matthew has written five books, three about life in prison or life of prisoners. What is the name of your latest … [Continue reading] about Lee Ofner
M.F. Hidayatt
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. This will be the first time that I've written a full-length book and published it on the internet. Before this, I've always written only for myself about the things that's running around in … [Continue reading] about M.F. Hidayatt
Donald Lee
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. This is my first book. After many years as a school band director and religion teacher, I have recently changed careers (again, LOL, I guess this is my third career.) I am now a spiritual … [Continue reading] about Donald Lee