Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I write to bless moms so they can live in greater peace and freedom and love their children well.
I’ve published three books. The first, Parenting Your Teen Through Chaos and Crisis has eight chapters which help parents of preteens and teens navigate challenging years in their parenthood. We look at basic principles and how we can maximize our influence in the lives of our children during this stage.
In my next book, Slow Down, Mama: Intentional Living in a Hurried World I share my own journey of going from crazy-busy to purposeful and content. I help you identify the roots of your busyness, and in my usual conversational style, I walk you through discovering tools to help you develop life-giving habits to help you make room for what matters most. The book has 31 mercifully short chapters so a busy mom can read one a day and finish the whole book in a month. Plus, I included questions to help you apply (and remember) what you learn in the “Make This Book Yours” section at the end of each chapter.
Finally, I have written a devotional to compliment the Slow Down, Mama book. It’s called, Slow Down, Mama: 31 Days to Help You Slow and Savor. I give relatable stories, a question for reflection, prayer, and actionable step each day to help you live with more purpose and peace.
When I’m not writing, I’m reading, mothering my two boys, spending time with my husband or girlfriends, taking road trips, attending a zumba or hip-hop class, or hanging out in my garden.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Slow Down, Mama: Intentional Living in a Hurried World (and the companion devotional). I was inspired to write this book when a friend told me she didn’t have enough time to read my first book. I walked away from our conversation reflecting on how busy so many moms I know are, and thinking about how far I’d come in learning to live more intentionally. Right then, the title popped in my head. I grabbed out my notebook and started furiously jotting down ideas for the book.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Probably not too unusual … but I do write in spurts rather than writing regularly at a given time of day. Many writers say they get their work done by committing to a certain block of time daily. I’m more “seat of my pants” and I let ideas percolate and then sit for a long chunk of time several days in a row and pour out all that has built up within me. I also get tons of ideas when I’m on a long drive – which isn’t so convenient. I tend to pull out my phone and dictate my thoughts and then organize them as soon as I stop somewhere.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
So many authors have influenced me. I’m an avid, voracious reader. C.S. Lewis, Lysa TerKeurst, Alli Worthington, Dallas Willard, Jamie Langston Turner … so many more.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on two books right now. Motherhood: A Memoir of Sorts, and Fear Not, Mama: Living Loved from the Inside Out. I can’t wait to release these later in 2019.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I don’t work hard to promote my books. I speak at moms groups and often set up a table in the back to sell in person. I love meeting the women who will read my books. I also have done book tours. I promote in Facebook groups and have done some freebies and giveaways as well. Mostly I let the reader read the book and then share it with a friend. That friend ends up telling someone else. I love the organic, word-of-mouth spreading of something from someone who was blessed to someone who needs a blessing. That’s slow and not as glamorous as some, but it is heart to heart, and that’s how I operate.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Be patient. Love the process. Keep writing. Don’t let numbers distract you from the love of writing and the love of your readers. If you bless one heart, that’s a good day. If your book helps someone live a more joyful or purposeful life, you’ve done your job.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Your job is the input; God’s job is the outcome.
What are you reading now?
Start With the Heart by Dr. Kathy Koch; As Kingfishers Catch Fire by Eugene Peterson (oh so good!); Some of the Billionaire Books by Emma St Claire (for fun); I just finished The Glass Castle (a Memoir) – what a gripping and interesting book (with some foul language FYI). I’m about to start Essentialism by Greg McKeown for the third time through. It’s an annual re-visit.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I literally have seven books in my head right now. I also blog and send out a regular newsletter. I have a YouTube channel where I host a series called Real Conversations with Real Moms – so fun and wonderful! I love speaking to groups and leading retreats. I can’t do that as much as I might like as I put motherhood first and that takes me away more than is good in this season, so I slot about 8-10 talks a year and that’s that. I really don’t know what’s next, but I’m in for the ride!
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Wow. Not to give the Sunday School answer, but (1) the Bible. I’d also bring my daily devotional Daily Strength for Daily Needs. It’s by Mary Tileston and I have dog eared and beaten that thing to death (and bought out-of-print copies for friends and back up copies for myself). That leaves only one book. Good night! This is as bad as Marie Kondo! Who can only pick three books? Ok: I’ll go with my favorite fiction book: Some Wildflower in My Heart by Jamie Langston Turner
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