Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My name is Phyllis L. Morneau. I am retired, live in Tennessee, and have been happily married for 45 years to my husband, Rich. I have 3 sons, 1 daughter, 1 daughter-in-law, and 7 grandchildren.
I grew up in New England with a loving Mom & Dad and 2 wonderful sisters. I was raised in the Catholic Church, which gave me a good foundation for my faith. However, although I knew about God, it wasn’t until I was 20 years old, that I surrendered my life to God and really came to know Him as my Lord and Savior. Actually, it is this knowledge of His love and saving grace that inspires me to share it with everyone who has an open heart to receive it through my writing.
A desire to write a personal memoir for my family, especially my grandchildren, was the reason for writing my 1st book “From My Heart to Yours: A Legacy of Love”. I wanted to share my family’s story and their love and also share God’s story and His amazing love, too. It was originally published in May 2011.
My 2nd book “My Season of Writing” was also written with my grandchildren in mind. It is a collection of Bible Bedtime Stories, Poems, Prayers, and Songs written during a season of my life.
My 3rd book “Hope for the Daily Grind: Morning Meditations on God’s Word” is a 21 day devotional focusing on the hope we can have by renewing our minds on the many promises in God’s Word.
My 4th book “Another Season of Writing Poetry: The Journey of a Christian’s Progress” is a book of inspirational poems about the seasons and stages of our journey of spiritual growth as a Christian.
My 5th book “My Love of Cooking and Homemaking” is a book that was written to share my love of cooking and homemaking with everyone.
My 6th book “A Cheerful Heart is Good Medicine” is a book filled with funny stories, humorous poems, and witty quotes about finding laughter in my life.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My 6th and latest book “A Cheerful Heart is Good Medicine” is a book filled with funny stories, humorous poems, and witty quotes about finding laughter in my life. The reason that I wrote it is because my grandchildren enjoy when I read the funny stories that are in my 1st book From My Heart to Yours: A Legacy of Love so whenever we get together they want me to read the funny stories that are throughout the book. However it always takes me a while to find them in the book so, to make it easier for me, I decided to put them together in this latest book. I think that everyone will enjoy the funny stories, humorous poems, and witty quotes in the book because laughter is indeed good medicine.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I usually get an idea for a book when I am having a quiet time with the Lord in the morning. I pray about it and, when I truly feel compelled to share what is on my heart by writing, I start putting pen to paper. I am patient in most areas of my life but I usually get so passionate about expressing myself that I can literally spend hours writing and lose all track of time. I remember when I was writing my first book that I had spent so much time sitting and writing that when I finally did get up I was so stiff that I could barely walk. 🙂
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Although I enjoyed reading the Nancy Drew mystery books as a child, I think that one of my favorite childhood books is “The Diary of Anne Frank”. It had a deep impact on me. I loved how she wrote so honestly from her heart about her daily life. When I first read the book, I was probably about the same age as Anne Frank when she wrote it. I could relate to her when she shared the mixed emotions she was having as an adolescent. And, In spite of the terrible conditions of her daily life, she wrote these profound words, “Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.” That statement really touched my heart.
Another favorite book of mine is “The Pilgrim’s Progress” by John Bunyon – it is not only enjoyable but also very inspiring. It is an allegory about the journey of a person called Christian from his home to the Celestial City or Heaven. He encountered much hardship along the way that threatened him many times and made it difficult to remain on the right path. I could relate to it as a Christian in my own life and was encouraged and inspired in my own walk with the Lord.
My favorite poet is Maya Angelou. Everything that she wrote – whether books, poetry, essays, or a memoir – she wrote from her heart. Her poetry, especially, touches my heart and affects me in a profound way. Each poem expresses her incredible wisdom and strength of character. I think that many people, including myself, have a new appreciation of poetry because of her.
What are you working on now?
I am currently writing a book called “Biblical Wisdom for Every Moment of Our Life: Practical Insight and Understanding from God’s Word”.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I have more than 4,500 friends on Facebook so will promote my books on my Facebook page and Fan pages.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
I would simply advise any aspiring writers to just start writing. If you have the desire to share something that is on your heart or something about your life that would benefit others, than do it. It is not easy but it is very rewarding.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” – Toni Morrison, Nobel prize-winning novelist
What are you reading now?
I am currently rereading one of my favorite books called Epic: The Story God is Telling and The Role That Is Yours To Play. It is a book written by John Eldredge that delivers a powerful message of truth about the reality of our life being a grand drama with God as the Central Character and the Hero in our own story. It is very interesting and inspiring. My favorite quote from the book is “The Lover of our souls, the One who has pursued us down through space and time, Who gave His own life to rescue us from the Kingdom of Darkness, has made it clear: He does not want to lose us. He longs to be with us forever.”
What’s next for you as a writer?
I would like to continue to write as I feel led by the Lord. For me, I think of my writing not so much as a career, but as a ministry.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I enjoy reading Christian nonfiction, which is the genre in which I write. I would definitely bring the Bible to read and also many of the books written by John Eldredge and Philip Yancey – my 2 favorite Christian authors.
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