About Portrait to Landscape: A Landscape Strategy to Reframe Our Future
Portrait to Landscape: A Landscape Strategy to Reframe Our Future is a ground-breaking book that calls for a transformative shift in our relationship with the natural world. Written by a renowned landscape architect, this book offers a new perspective on our place in the world and a compelling vision for a regenerative future.
In an era plagued by environmental disasters and global challenges, the book argues that our exploitative and fragmented relationship with nature is at the root of these issues. Drawing upon the metaphor of a self-focused portrait versus a wide-angle landscape view, the book illuminates the profound impact of our narrow perspective. It offers a roadmap for reconnecting with the larger community of life.
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Author Bio:
Alexandra Steed is a passionate landscape architect with a deep commitment to the transformative power of landscapes. As a Fellow of the Landscape Institute (FLI) and the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), she has left an indelible mark on environments worldwide. In 2013, Steed founded URBAN, driven by a vision to create landscapes that bring joy and enhance well-being, forging meaningful connections with the natural environment. Beyond her practice, Steed actively advises organisations such as the Design Council UK and the Government’s Office for Place. She shares her knowledge as a lecturer at The Bartlett, UCL, and volunteers her time to empower communities and develop inclusive neighbourhood plans and landscape visions. Her exceptional contributions to landscape architecture have earned her prestigious awards, including the WAFX Award for innovative solutions to global challenges. She has also received The LI Award for Excellence in Tackling Climate Change and won the Best Landscape Architecture Project in the UK. Shortlisted for the Sir David Attenborough Award, Steed’s dedication to enhancing biodiversity shines. With extensive experience leading international design teams, she combats climate change and ecological collapse and inspires appreciation for the natural world.