About Pre-Trib Rapture: Fact or Fantasy? by John Somers Holder
When will Christians be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air?
The rapture is prophesied in 1 Thessalonians chapter 4.
But when will it be fulfilled? And why do we need to understand the timing of this event?
Today, there are many popular preachers who proclaim that Jesus could come at any moment to rescue Christians by a secret rapture from an end-time tribulation. But is this message of being caught up to heaven—before the tribulation begins—a myth or authentic?
Pastors, church leaders, students of theology and ordinary church members need to be properly informed. Many have grown up in churches that teach a pre-tribulation rapture but have never been equipped to prove for themselves whether or not these things are so.
In this book you’ll discover:
The two most popular interpretations of 1 Thessalonians 4
*The arguments in favor of a pre-trib rapture view
*The arguments in favor of a post-trib rapture view
*A history of the pre-trib rapture teaching
*More than 50 scriptures containing key words applicable to the return of Jesus
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Author Bio:
John worked in the information technology sector as a systems engineer for a large company in South Africa. Now semi-retired, he continues in his 50-year walk as a Christian. He enjoys digging for treasure in the Bible and wishes to share the wonderful truths of the Bible with others.