This is a fictional short story. This story revolves around a fictitious character Marzina. She was a well-known singer in the United States. She achieved fame, success, and financial success at a very young age. She became a singing star. However, she was unable to cope with the pressures associated with stardom and turned to drugs and alcohol. The drugs and alcohol impaired her singing ability. The number of her social media followers dropped drastically. Her concerts were not drawing a large audience. Her Twitter followers also dropped drastically. She was feeling depressed. Her mother, the politician Loris, arranged for her to visit India and study yoga with a guru. This experience helped Marzina regain her skills and confidence, leading to a successful comeback upon her return to America.
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Author Bio:
Ravi Ranjan Goswami is a retired IRS officer, former Assistant Commissioner of Customs. He is a native of Jhansi, UP India. He is a bilingual writer, who writes in Hindi and English. He was nominated Author of the Year 2019 on storymirror.com. He has written about 20 books. A few of his most popular books are Nakam Dushman, Luteron ka Teela, Chambal, and The Asht Yogis (novels), He has won the Criticspace Literary Award 2021 of the best Indian Author for The Asht Yogis. An Internationa Publisher Yukiyoto Publishing has placed Asht Yogi(Hindi) among the top 30 books to look out for in 2022.