Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Everyone has a story. We are all on an adventure called LIFE. Sometimes the adventure brings to us bounty beyond our wildest expectations, and sometimes it brings us challenges and lessons we need to learn and overcome. Regardless of what LIFE brings to us, we keep jouneying on – exploring, discovering, living.
My books and spiritual practises are birthed from all that I learned on my long journey. My vision as an author is for each individual to be totally empowered as you journey towards embracing and honouring your Authentic Selves, and to be supported as you move towards the new vibration.
Shrouded Truth is my first book and I am working on 2 more at the moment – Illuminated Truth and a third one that is in the conceptual phase.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Shrouded Truth. The first book in the Radiant Light Series, Shrouded Truth takes readers on a fascinating journey through the past life memories of eight souls who experienced lives during the Biblical period. Emotional, and at times dramatic, Shrouded Truth gives readers an insight into the turbulent times and fascinating experiences of those closest to Jesus, and reveals events and information of what happened before, during and after the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Backed by tradition and documentary evidence, Shrouded Truth provides little known information that will challenge previously held beliefs about the Biblical Era. Shrouded Truth also provides another perspective to this timeless story, answers some questions and raises a few new ones.
Radiant Light Series originally came about as an exploration of the past life of one person into one past life. With any explorative journey, we always end up in a different place to where we thought we would. New discoveries are made everyday to shift us off course to continue the searching and seeking. Such was the case here. This exploration of one person’s past life exploded into the fascinating journey of multiple people’s past lives to one of the most recognizable periods in history – the Biblical time – to one of the most popular stories known to us.
Radiant Light Series is more than the study into a religion or into the life of an enigmatic, inspiring person. It is a revelation of the deep spiritual beliefs that was understood and practised more than 2000 years ago. Radiant Light Series is the discovery of the true relationship between the spirit of man and the spirit of the God. It challenges us to look deeply into our inner core and unveil the biggest shrouded truth of them all – our own glorious divinity.
Take this journey with us, as we follow the peaks and troughs of some of the most heartening lives lived. Let their stories fill your hearts, challenge your minds and enlighten your souls. Let their discoveries be your discoveries, their challenges be your guidance, their lives be an impression. Let them remind you that you too are a Radiant Light Being. As you choose to embody the radiant light within yourself, maybe others will be inspired to embrace their own radiant light. Together, your story, their story and the stories from the Radiant Light Series will weave a rich tapestry of evolution and involution of Consciousness that will strive to take us to greater heights of Divine Light and into a new way of Being in the New Vibration.
Radiant Light Series is comprised of three books, and a weekly blog that builds on the books to help us with our involution to being the Radiant Light Beings that we are.
1. Shrouded Truth – Biblical Revelations through Past Life Journeys
2. Illuminated Truth – Past Life Insights into Ancient Christianity
3. The third book is still in the conceptual phase
4. Divine ‘I AM’ Blog on
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I have a sweet little Maltese terrier who sits by me every time I write. Petal is her name. She is my muse, my inspiration. I prefer her by me when I write.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Andy Tomlinson, Brian Weiss, Laurence Gardner, Bart Ehrman, Enid Blyton, David Eddings, Judith McNaught, Kathleen and William O’Gear.
What are you working on now?
I am currently working on the second book of Radiant Light Series – Illuminated Truth. Christianity two thousand years ago is very different to the Christianity that we are familiar with today.
Following on from Shrouded Truth, Illuminated Truth gives us an in depth look into the origins of the teachings of the main branches of Christianity in the Antiquities, through the past life regression of Paul the Evangelist, James, the Brother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene, the Beloved of Jesus. They take us back on a journey of the rediscovery of three main branches of the teachings of Jesus in the antiquities. Through their memories and recollections, discover the original teachings of Christianity -Judeo Christianity, the lost esoteric wisdom of Christianity – Gnosticism, and how the Christianity that we are familiar with came about – Gentile Christianity.
Illuminated Truth gives us an insight into how these diverse teachings came about, what motivated these teachings, belief systems and philosophies to differ so wildly from one another, how the teachings were received, and what happened to them in the end, in the quest for orthodoxy. Backed by academic research and oral tradition, these regressions open our eyes to a complex and fascinating period in Christian Antiquities, and resurrect the rich wisdom and diverse practises that was once lost to us.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Giving talks to the specific targeted audience. Having reviews in blogs and newsletter.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Never take ‘No’ as an answer. Keep pushing through. You birthed your book – stand by it.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
You are not put on this Earth to please everyone. If you make one person think, you have done your job as an author.
What are you reading now?
People of the Wolf by Michael and Kathleen O’Gear
What’s next for you as a writer?
I have so many ideas percolating in my head. Once I complete the Radiant Light Series… I will be thinking of the next series.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Belgariad Series by David Eddings – that’s 5 books!
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