Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Today, I live the life of my dreams but that wasn’t always the case. I was a struggling young actor when a skydiving accident nearly cost me my life and robbed me of my career. It wasn’t the accident itself but the aftermath. I spent nearly two years trying to salvage myself but continued to spiral downwards to the bottom. I discovered I was an expert at creating more crap and worse problems! Finally, near comatose I decided this must change. I locked myself inside my apartment for 6 weeks while I came to terms with my problems. I tried visualization, prayer, I begged, bartered, affirmed and found littler relief. However, it was during this time of intense soul-searching and angst that I learned the secret to transforming my life. I began doing what I discovered and it was amazing. Everything began to change! I discovered a process whereby one can make changes much more easily and readily without setting up internal conflicts.
When you feel like you can change easily, you can change easily. I have shared this process and my methods now for 40 years. Anyone can transform their life positively and powerfully using my methods blueprint approach. I have shared this in workshops, audio and video programs for 40 years.
Now, I share more of it in my recent book ‘Life On Your Terms’. I do have some other books and programs available on my web site that I invite you to look into.
In Life On Your Terms I reveal other personal stories and the amazing stories of fascinating people who’ve overcome great adversity and transformed their lives. I know you’ll love it.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
It was not only my personal journey that inspired my book ‘Life On Your Terms: Live The Life You Want’ but also those of people, from around the world and all walks of life, I met and got to know in my life-transforming workshops and training programs. I realized I wasn’t the only master crap magnet in the world. Most people, like me, are great at creating and attracting or getting precisely what they don’t want! They aren’t so good at creating and attracting the happiness, money, relationships, health, and good things they do want.
Most people live in fear of the economy, the future, poor health, death, loss of relationships and struggle with anxiety, a negative attitude, lack of hope or faith, for much, if not all of their lives. It their lives aren’t broken many people live ‘ho-hum’ lives that are okay, and then they die. I learned we don’t have to live like this. We can do much better!
We can learn to create a champion positive and powerful mindset that causes us to feel better and do better. When you feel top of your game you are more productive and things are much easier. You are also far more resourceful and capable of handling difficulty or crisis.
We can be, do and have most anything we want! The reason most people don’t, or aren’t living the life of their dreams is because they truly haven’t learned this is possible for them. They have heard it said but they haven’t yet realized they can do it too! They think others are more fortunate or privileged, hence they miss out. I nearly did.
My suffering, pain and struggles nearly did me in. Thank goodness for that horrible time of misfortune or I might have missed out too. That time in my life and all hardship actually are blessings. Within the troubles is the way out. Do you have to struggle to change? Do you have to lock yourself in a room like I did for six weeks? No! I already did that for you. Wut hat I discovered about transformation I share in my book.
In the book I reveal how you change can be much more easily than you ever thought it possible. We crave change, but we fear it. We don’t want to leave our comfort zones, but I’ll show you how to do that comfortably. I share with you how you can change easily, readily, reliably and even have fun changing. Once you begin to understand some simple principles and practices you become so much more powerful and positive. Plus, I share stories of others who have made positive and wonderful changes for themselves as a result.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I write a daily blog and have written it consistently, daily, without interruption, come what may, for over 8 years. I also like to dictate but find voice to text unreliable which means I’d have to edit while I write and that interrupts the flow. Until a really reliable voice to text exists I will stick with writing. However, I have learned I can audio record myself, or video. Then I can play it for voice to text or dictate on MSW and later edit the document while listening or viewing the playback for accuracy. That way I know what I said. Hopes this helps someone. I actually am pretty much a caveman when it come to technology. I prefer human contact and if we can’t be face to face in person, or on platforms, then phone over text. I am not a fan of texting except when necessary. I am however, as a father, adapting.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
So many. I enjoy the early works of ancient mystical texts, the Vedas, the Bible, Buddhist teachings and the Tao to our 19th and 20th century thought leaders such as Wallace Wattles, Robert Collier, Napoleon Hill and so others. More recent authors Alan Watts, Gary Zukav, Osho, Joseph Chilton Pearce, the works of most Quantum Physicist authors and researchers, Neale Donald Walsh, Bruce Lipton, Lynn Taggart, Buckminister Fuller, Gregory Bateson, Paul Watzalick, Noam Chomsky, Norman Vincent Peale, Bob Proctor, Paulo Coelho and others.
What are you working on now?
I have another book on handling troubling current times as well as personal difficulties. Another one on ending scarcity thinking and creating personal abundance and affluence. My works and my life work has always been about, since I began teaching it 40 years ago, releasing and let go of fears, disappointments, hurts and troubles and moving into your personal power, productivity and positive mindset to live the life of a champion, a winner and victor instead of a loser or a victim. My message is you can transform and here is how.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
People may visit my website at http://www.idea-seminars.con for programs and books. Life On Your Terms is on amazon. I utilize social media as best I am able. I don’t consider myself a social media maven and am learning the ropes there too. We are always learning. I certainly am. Nothing wrong with making mistakes unless we don’t correct them and move on.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write. I started writing daily to discipline myself to do it. I write for you, not for me. I’ve never missed publishing a daily blog even if sick or traveling or if I have to write a few in advance if I am somewhere there is no Inet service. My point, I don’t want to break the chain for my readers. I have motivation now to keep at it. Plus, it has become a habit. It helped me to face the blank page and create something anyway. It helped me to improve my writing and my editing. I encourage you write every day. Edit after you write not while you write. And most importantly believe you can do it and decide to do it. If you wait to do it you will only have wasted time. Begin and follow through. Learn to be consistent.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Just do it. Start where you are at and go. You don’t have to know how you just have to want to. You will figure it out along the way. You will get feedback while you journey. If you don’t do it you lose out. Enough baby steps taken in the same direction can take you to the top of Mt. Everest. Begin today. Decide what you want to do and begin. That may mean investigating, researching, reading a book, writing an article, taking a class, getting a mentor, investing in yourself, or anything else. It only matters that you know what you want to do and then begin taking steps towards making it happen.
What are you reading now?
I have so many books I read at one time. I read and continue to re-read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and his Laws Of Success. I have since I was 11 so it is a daily habit. I can’t emphasize enough not reading to finish but reading to learn the lessons. Re-read the same non-fiction instructional book over again and again at different times. You learn so much more by repeated reviewing. Most people don’t or won’t do this. I encourage my readers to study the material I share with them to master it. There is a vast difference between reading about or knowing about swimming and actually being able to swim. Learn to do it not just know about it.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Transcribing my training programs into book form. It is a lot of work! I offer online learning and live events. I enjoy the life events so much because you get to connect and spend time together getting to know each other. Online I do webinars and connect that way with people. There are so many wonderful, good, fascinating, talented people, and far more plentiful than the not so good ones, I like meeting them and discovering who they are and what they are about. If I can help and add value to them then I am happy. I love sharing powerful principles and practices with people who put it into action and then pay it forward. A blessed life.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The ancient texts I previously mentioned… and Napoleon Hill. Might want to include one I have never read about living on a desert island stranded, or how to get off a desert island… it could be useful information to put to use.
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