Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Rich Cavaness is best known as a popular author, trainer, and coach in the field of the science of success and personal development. He is a Certified Master Coach and his areas of expertise are teaching the 17 Principles of Success by Napoleon Hill, personal development and training, helping individuals with divorce and marriage issues, and his passion is the Monthly Wisdom Program, which is a monthly group coaching experience partnering with Derrick Sweet, Founder of the Certified Coaches Federation.
Rich has authored four books, two seminar manuals, and produced the 16 sessions seminar “Living a No Limits Life.” And the 12 session seminar for people struggling with divorce and marriage issues “E5 Marriage Experience” His books are as follows:
“Life After 9/11: ‘Five Spiritual Lessons”
“Decoding the Secret: The Law of Attraction from a Biblical Perspective” and Study Guide
“Gratitude: The Power of Thanksgiving in Our Lives”
“The Road: Experience Empowered Living”
“All Power 60 Day Personal Development and Coaching Manual”
“The E5 Marriage Experience Seminar Workbook”
With his unique blend of business and motivational savvy, coupled with his spiritual depth, Rich empowers people to take personal responsibility for their lives, to achieve more and to be a person who lives life with purpose and passion. His philosophy is, “Why live a good or mediocre life, when you have the power to live a great and no limits life!”
Rich has the unique and powerful ability to take any topic and make it easy for people to understand and apply to their lives. He teaches people today how to master the important areas of their lives: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and in their relationships.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The Gratitude Effect: Shift your mindset, Optimize outcomes, Boost emotional well being
I had a major accident in November 2011 and I was so grateful to be alive with no brain damage or permanent disabilities, started my journey from there in understanding the role of gratitude in my life and how it effects my attitude everyday.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Not really, usually have 2-3 book projects going at once.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Napoleon Hill: Keys to Success, 17 Principles of Personal Achievement
Tony Robbins: Awaken the Giant Within
Robert Kiyosaki: Rich Dad Poor Dad
W.Clement Stone: Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
Stephen Covey: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Dr. Susan Jeffers: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway!
Jack Canfield: Success Principles
Stephen Arteburn: Healing is a Choice
Gary Chapman: The Five Love Languages
John Maxwell: 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
Rick Warren: The Purpose Driven Life
Joel Osteen: Your Best Life Now!
T. Harv Eker: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Brendon Burchard: High Performance Habits
What are you working on now?
Two books: one on Law of Attraction and manifesting your destiny and the other is on work life balance
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Amazon, KDP, Fiverr, BookRazor, WrittenWordMedia…
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Its easy to get overwhelmed when you look at the project as a whole, I recommend hiring a coach or do lots of research, everything needs to be broken down into small steps done everyday. I coach people on how to write their first book and get it done in 90 days!
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“You’re only one relationship away from changing your future!” Chas Wilson
Review your goals and dreams daily, and have plan of action to make them come to life
Your outer world is created by your inner self talk, so talk positive and powerful to yourself
What are you reading now?
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy
How to Make a Living with Your Writing by Joanna Penn
The Power of Get Statements by Gary Barnes
What’s next for you as a writer?
To keep writing, embrace my calling, and look for opportunities to speak for business, organizations, non profits, churches, colleges and universities, and perform keynote speaking. Publish 2 books a year for the next 5 years.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Bible
The Success Principles by Jack Canfield
Author Websites and Profiles
Rich Cavaness Website
Rich Cavaness Amazon Profile