Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Okay, so my name is Richard Langridge, and I’m a writer. I make words happen. After a very long time, these words occasionally grow into something bigger, becoming what some people often refer to as “books”. It’s pretty neat.
Some things to know about me:
I once observed a swan attack a man after throwing bread at its children. I think he survived, but I can’t be sure. Either way, the photographs of what he endured that day will live on in my office drawer.
Sometimes. if I’m very drunk, I gain the ability to talk in slow motion. It’s the closest thing to a super power a person can ask for these days.
Once when I was very little, I went jumping in the puddles on a rainy day with my brother and accidentally splashed a tramp hiding in a shop doorway. I remember he looked very sad, and wet. I still think about him sometimes.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is titled Dan and Frankie Save the World. In a nutshell, it’s the story of what you’d get if Bill and Ted worked at The Office, and had to deal with Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
As to what inspired it, I’m not sure. Probably alcohol. All the best ideas happen when you’re drunk.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I write in the nude, like any self-respecting author.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Hmm, good question. Max Barry’s pretty hilarious (although I hear he’s Australian…). Jim Butcher’s good. Also been reading a lot of John Connolly recently. That guy writes some creepy shizzle.
What are you working on now?
At present, I am working on two books, one of which being the obvious next entry in the Dan and Frankie series. The second book is a parody non-fiction work concerning death in film (it’s funnier than it sounds).
I could say more, but I’d have to kill you…
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Jeez, let’s see…
Always save ten-percent of your paycheck. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. You never know what financial hardships lie down the road.
If a man named Travis tries to entice you into his van with promises of candy, make sure to go ahead and not do that. No, really. Just trust me on this one.
Keep your pubic hair trimmed. Seriously. There’s a reason it’s not the ’70s anymore.
That’s all I got.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
The pull-out method.
Thanks again, Dad.
What are you reading now?
Machine Man, by Max Barry. Seriously, it’s the most fun you can have with amputees without it being illegal.
What’s next for you as a writer?
A shrieking nose-dive into alcohol-fuelled irrelevancy. And possibly some cake. (It’s tea time right now).
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Probably just four copies of my own book, because I’m a bastard that way. That, and I’d probably sit there under a palm tree with sand in my crack, looking at them and wondering where it all went so terribly wrong.
Author Websites and Profiles
Richard Langridge Website
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My name is Judy Walker. I’m an author as well. I made a mistake by choosing the wrong publishing company. They said they liked my book and that I would go far for I was a very talented writer. I was sucked in by all their promises and in the end after the book was published, they dropped me like a hot potato. I was told I would be on my own as far as getting my book out there. I was to contact my family and friends to help me sell the book. They would no longer be any use to me. One of the things that was promised right away was a website. That never happened. It gets worse, but for now I will keep this short. The company charged me $3,900.00 to print the book. Little did I know that companies that charge is your worst bet for getting you on your way to success. I was and am dumbfounded by their actions. There is a sequel to this book, but it’s never been published. I have always wanted to be a published author in my golden years because I knew that my retirement would not take care of me financially. Now, at 73 my dream has burst into a million pieces. My dreams have been crushed. The website that was promised in the beginning never came about.