About Ring Burster Saga: Burst Cannon
In the year 2050, Earth-Prime is a world filled with superpowers known as gears, with Xavier Jones standing out as a young beacon of hope. He is endowed with unique gears, which manifest as bands on his arms and legs, with each possessing a unique ability, such as physical enhancements of speed, strength, and energy absorbing and releasing abilities, to name a few. Alongside his sister, who has shapeshifting abilities, and his friends, Xavier shoulders the mantle of leading the next generation of heroes against nefarious villains aiming to eradicate the world. Their path is rife with betrayal, heartbreak, and understanding of the meaning of true heroism. The villain Ravage and cohorts, driven by relentless determination, pose a consequential threat to our heroes. Can these young Heroes prevail?
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Author Bio:
Delvin Jones is a young African American male born in Miami, FL, in diverse urban landscapes. He found inspiration from the colourful pages of comic books, a passion ignited by his mother’s love for the genre. His mother is a beacon of strength whose resilience and determination became the foundation for his creative endeavours. Delvin comic book heroes pay homage to personal journeys, mentors, friends, and family that symbolize hope during times of uncertainty. His mission is to inspire others to embrace their uniqueness, resonate with their authenticity and harness their inner strengths. His vision is to extend beyond the pages of books and reach towards cinema production.