About Rita May by Robert R Randall
The town of Meridian, Mississippi has had more than its share of colorful and legendary characters–musicians, politicians, actors, writers–perhaps none more celebrated than the infamous Rita May Scott. It was the seductive Rita May who first gained fame as the accused murderess of her married lover, Billy Roy Underwood, nightclub owner and quasi-celebrity in his own right. Perhaps her infamy would have faded in time. But a few years later, Rita May drove her new Pontiac through the front door of the popular downtown Davis Grill (some said she was miffed at a change in the menu) and wound up in East Mississippi State Hospital (known to locals as ‘the asylum’).
At some point, the married mother of three appeared to turn her life around. She enrolled in college, got a graduate degree and became a competent and popular psychotherapist. And so the story might have ended had Rita May not decided a decade later to hire an incompetent hit man to kill her husband.
Along the way, Rita May engaged in an on-again / off-again friendship / affair with her first husband, Jamie Kinard (yes, the James Kinard), who chronicled her wild adventures in a novel which is, by turns, suspenseful, heartbreaking and hilarious. Rita May is truly one of a kind.
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Author Bio:
A former itinerant radio personality, Robert R Randall is a graduate of Lamar University and has an MS in mass communications from the University of Louisiana, Lafayette. He is the author of Of Love and Sabotage, Octogenarian Blues, The Garvey Girls, Lost in the 50s: In Meridian, Mississippi, The Fourth Step, Back Home Blues, The Morning Man, The Great Pretender: Confessions of a Semi-Incorrigible Southern Catholic Boy, AA in SA: A History of Alcoholics Anonymous in San Antonio and The Healing Power of Connection. He lives in San Antonio with his wife and two cats, Zeus and Nicholas J. Fuzzbottom.