Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am RKC Puthran, author of LOVECARNATION – An Epic TRILOGY Series .
I live in Dublin, Ireland along with my wife and my 7 year old daughter.
I was born and brought up in India. As a child, I was a voracious reader and would read just about anything that I could lay my hands on. I started writing short stories when I was in college though never submitted any of them for publishing.
Post graduation, I wanted to become a full time writer but writing jobs in those days were not just difficult to get but were also not very well paid. I had to earn for myself and my family and managed to get a full time permanent job in a company in the banking and finance sector as a junior officer. Through sheer dedication and hard work, I rose through the ranks over the years and managed to move over to London in the summer of 2008. However, Ireland, the land of writers, was calling me and within just 6 months, I was in Dublin, Ireland, havng landed myself a full time job in a bank. Since then I been living here and it is now well over 10 years.
My intense passion for writing never left me and I kept writing articles which were published in the newspapers. I also co-authored 2 non-fiction books in the last few years but did not credit himself on the cover as I wanted my name to be on the cover of a novel first.
‘LOVECARNATION – THE PROMISE’ is my debut novel and the first book in the LOVECARNATION Trilogy.
It is set for WORLDWIDE release on the 19th of May this year.
The book is currently available for pre-orders. You can get your copy here –
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
LOVECARNATION – An Epic TRILOGY Series: Book 1 – The Promise
This is on pre-order currently and set to release on May 19th.
I always wanted to see my name on the cover of a novel and it is awesome to see that dream coming true.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I cannot just sit down and start writing from the word “go”. I wait for information to be downloaded into me as I imagine how the characters would behave in a certain situation. So the story and characters and even the name of the novel of this debut novel – all literally dawned into me. I truly believe that inspiration is all around us. It is just a matter of being ready to grab it and manifest it in the real world.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I read a lot of self development books. 99% of us will never reach out full potential as a human being and one of the ways of awakening the potential within us is my reading great books. Vishen Lakhiani’s The code of the extra-ordinary mind is one of the best books I have ever read.
What are you working on now?
Just finished my debut novel – Lovecarnation Trilogy – Book 1 The Promise. Very busy promoting it as the release is on May 19th.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Well still learning promotion tricks and it is something that one has to keep learning all through life. Things these days are so dynamic that you have to be adaptable. I think a good email list is a nice way to promote the books.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Read, read and read. Observe people and events around very closely. There is a story everywhere.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
During my growing up years, life was tough with little money. We rarely got new clothes. My father used to always say, “Even if your clothes are torn, it is fine but they should always be clean”. I follow that. Cleanliness matters a lot to me.
What are you reading now?
Reading a light book titled, ‘Fatherhood’. My next book will be ‘My experiments with truth’, by Mahatma Gandhi
What’s next for you as a writer?
Book 1 of the Lovecarnation Trilogy is done. Next obviously is getting back to the desk for Book 2. Book 3 will be the last book in the series.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I will take autobiographies of some great men who have lived and achieved what normal men cannot even think about.
Definitely Elon Musk features there for me.
Author Websites and Profiles
RKC Puthran Website
RKC Puthran Amazon Profile
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