Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
To Hell I Must Go: The True Story of Michigan’s Own Lizzie Borden is my first book after I retired from a distinguished thirty-year career in law enforcement. The book is the result of my initial genealogical research project that I had started years ago. I was researching my great grandfather and his tenure as the Ingham County Sheriff in Michigan when I cam across an article detailing this bizarre murder in the small town where I had spent my childhood. Over the years, I continually collected information about the murder, and this book is the result of that research. It truly is the story of Michigan’s own Lizzie Borden.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The name of my book is To Hell I Must Go: The True Story of Michigan’s Own Lizzie Borden.
While researching the book, I read a news article about the suspect’s incarceration at the Ingham County Jail, and how she would sing a song with the following verse: I can’t go to heaven, to hell I must go, murderers don’t go to heaven, so that’s where I must go. The second sentence seemed to fit very well, thus, the title.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I really don’t have any unusual habits for writing, other than I like to be comfortable, so when I write, it’s typically in the living room while the TV is on. I have an office I could work in, but I truly am more comfortable in my writing if I simply sit in the living room. No lonely writer’s garret for me.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Years ago, I read the James Herriot series starting with All Creatures Great and Small. Those were, and have remained some of my favorite books, simply because he had such a talent for describing the surroundings, the people, and the atmosphere of the times. That is a true talent, and that’s what I want my readers to experience.
What are you working on now?
My next book will detail another Mid-Michigan murder by an escaped convict from the Southern Michigan Prison in Jackson. Like my book To Hell I Must Go, this will also be a true-crime story detailing the murder and year-long search for the killer of an elderly couple.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I am still in the process of building my website, but I have found that social media is a must. I started the push for marketing long before my book was published. I used YouTube as a means of advertising by doing a book trailer. That was a great success for me, and my Facebook page has also been a great success. My own opinion is that I think people will notice your book more through social media, than by a website.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
I can only offer advise from my experience with self-publishing. My biggest advise would be editing. Nothing will make you look more like a novice than a poorly edited book. Other advise I might offer is patience. Don’t rush your book. Make sure you put in exactly what you want. If you’re researching your book, take your time to do it right. After you’ve submitted it for publishing, begin your marketing. The publishing will take time. Use that time to let your readers know what to expect.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
As simple as it sounds, the best advise I’ve ever heard is to be patient. That is so difficult in today’s world with social media and everyone being connected to everyone else with phones and computers, but the old adage really rings true…patience is a virtue.
What are you reading now?
Right now I’m reading Devil in the White City, which details a serial killer in Nineteenth century Chicago at the World’s Fair. I always like to explore other author’s techniques when it comes to their writing, not to mention that it’s a fascinating story.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I’ve learned over the years that I truly love to write, and so, in the very little spare time I have, I will continue to write. Hopefully, things will slow down to the point where I can devote more time to what I enjoy, and that’s include not only the writing, but the research that goes into it.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
That is a tough question. I enjoy some of the classic books that are historical in nature and describe a certain era in history. And I enjoy true-crime books as well. Even though I read the entire series of his books, I would likely take James Herriot’s original book All Creatures Great and Small. I would also take Dan Brown’s book The DaVinci Code. That book was fascinating. I’ve never read a book in a shorter period of time. In addition, books of historical significance would be a must, such as The Civil War.
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