Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am Ronald. E. Hudkins, eclectic writer, Ohio born and raised – I was born in 1951 in Canton, Ohio and raised in Massillon, Ohio. My diverse writing prowess has been influenced by my many experiences.
I was drafted into the military in 1970 and remained there until 1993 when I retired honorably from the U.S. Army, Military Police Corps.
During my service and even afterwards I pursued several courses of study at several universities, including Kent State University, Maryland University, Central Texas College (European Branch), Blair Junior College, Hagerstown Junior College and Phoenix University.
Despite many General Studies, I declared two majors during my schooling which included the areas of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.
In all the military assignments and scholastic studies, the true treasures I took away are not the certificates (though those are very important), but instead the overall experiences I had, the people I met, the foods I ate and even the places I stayed in.
In truth I am a citizen of the world and this greatly influences my writing.
So, if you are already a fan of mine, I appreciate you. If you are not yet one, then what are you waiting for? Read a book and then read some more. I create characters that resonate with you and infuse life into all I write.
Finding my Books
I have published over 69 fictional and non-fictional books written across many genres and my intent is to do so for the rest of my writing career, I have realized the need to make it easier for my readers to find my books. My author platform ( and its directory is born out of that need.
While keeping my books organized, my home page (I call my library index) also guides you, my esteemed readers, to the several library shelves (various pages) that contain my books according to specific book genres. To find your desired subject area, simply click on the subject icon you wish to review, the shelf will list all my books within the selected subject area and would detail whether the book has been published or if is pending.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is not yet published but, it is an Easy Read for children ages 9-12. The book is titled “The Space Traveler Next Door”. I am waiting for the cover art so I can roll it over to publishing mediums such as Kindle, Smashwords, Draft2Digital and CreateSpace.
I have recently published 5 other children’s books listed on Amazon under Hudkins Publishing I have been writing children’s books for a good while and rolled them over to file. The problem was I could not find an illustrator I was able to afford. I was talking to a technician who said can you draw a stick figure?- than illustrate those 100 books on your own! Some people have done that and became very popular. So, I said that person is correct by suggesting, take action you can accomplish. Long story short I found a few ways to illustrate on my own and am happy; as time permits between other projects, to be pulling the children’s books out of the mothballs.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I guess you could say the strange habit I have when it comes to writing is that just about everything under the sun grabs my interest and attention. I suppose the most influential conversation, event or activity of the day wins project of the night. I write from around 9 pm till 1 in the morning almost daily. This is when my undistracted thoughts kick into high gear and some project folder is chosen to start, add to or complete.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
When I was growing up – Arthur Charles Clarke along with Robert Heinlein and Isaac Asimov who were known as the “Big Three” of science fiction were my idols. I loved science fiction than and still do today. I am surprised I have not written more of it! We will se what the future brings.
Couple generations ago it was anything about wealth building. I loved the book Think and Grow Rich. Now days, a lot of non-fiction draws my attention that is relative to modern day Internet promotions be that paid campaigns, social media, press releases, articles, blog postings, on and on. Advertising myself and my books is my greatest weakness.
What are you working on now?
Right now doing a lot of book illustrations for the children’s books. Working on numerous cook books as I have managed to find some great resources for cook book photography that is actually free for commercial use. One of my more popular books right now is a non-fiction book titled “Sexual Performance: Anxiety and Sex” I’ll be doing some relative follow-up subject areas in that area. I am working on five other subject areas regarding problems folks are always researching. Non-fiction is actually my favorite project areas!
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I have an author platform named after myself ( that I designed and built myself. That sounds impressive huh? Fact of the matter is I have forgotten most of the HTML I used to know and use site building software nowadays. It is WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) A WYSIWYG (pronounced “wiz-ee-wig”) editor or program is one that allows me the developer to see what the end result will look like while the interface, document, webpage is being created. I am constantly adding books, tweaking this or that. Doing everything but promotion and begging for reviews. So, if you can type, you can build your own author platform.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
My advice is to realize people are not out there counting the minutes before you release your first or next book so, don’t expect overnight fame and fortune. If someone is promising you that – fire them and save a whole bunch of money. Keep doing what you love doing. Keep writing, keep publishing and one day the spotlight just might shine upon you! Even if it doesn’t, you have already accomplished what many want to do but never do. You are an author in your own right. Do not take that away from yourself. Keep on plugging away building toward success internally and externally.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Surround yourself with positive and progressive people. Seek out the well-established financial investor, business entrepreneur, and other professionals and establish a student/mentor relationship. Success loves to bread success.
What are you reading now?
I am reading everything short, sweet and to the point that will help me get used to self-promotion, book promotion and social media posting. To name anything specific, there is too much to list. I will say however, a blog post led me to Awesome Gang and I was immediately impressed with what I see as a massive breath of fresh air. This has already exposed me to some fantastic advertising avenues and I am excited to build upon the available possibilities.
What’s next for you as a writer?
To keep plugging away on the multiple fiction and non-fiction projects that are being researched, imagined, written and built. To dedicate a pinch more time into getting my works announced and known to a larger slice of the human race.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Anything and everything that would help me survive in the environment stranded in be that the desert island, artic or a tropical surrounding. The military taught me a lot but there are many food, medical, shelter and clothing things needing enforcement. Scavenging for food on a desert island I think depending on many factors would be quite the challenge starting with gathering, preparing and then preserving food sources. Wow!! I have not watched the 12-15 seasons of Survivor. Nowhere to go but up!
Author Websites and Profiles
Ronald Hudkins Website
Ronald Hudkins Amazon Profile
Ronald Hudkins Author Profile on Smashwords
Ronald Hudkins’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
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