Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
USA Today Bestselling and Award Winning Author of almost 20 unusually unusual historical romances that have been known to include scarred heroes, feisty heroines, marriage-producing scandals, far too much scheming, naughty literature and always a sweet happily-ever-after.
When not escaping to another world via reading or writing a book, she spends her time chasing two young boys around the house, being hunted by wild animals, or sitting on the swing in the backyard where she has to use her arms as shields to deflect projectiles AKA: balls, water balloons, sticks, pinecones, and anything else one of them picks up to hurl at his brother who just happens to be hiding behind her.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book was part of a 50-book series with the cooperation of 45 authors! My book was Jessie: Bride of South Carolina and it’s about a young couple who grew up as friends, but due to family social status their childhood friendship came to a screeching halt, replaced instead with a severe dislike for one another. Jessie has decided to become a mail-order-bride (the common theme of the series) but the problem is she needs to find someone to take her to Charleston to catch the train…
This is only my fourth “western” book, the majority of mine have been Regencies or Georgian era novels.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Of course! I have a play list that consists of about 4-6 songs and that’s all I listen to over and over and over while writing that specific book. I also keep a document of all the good lines or partial scenes that didn’t make it into the book. Also, as part of my editing process, my husband usually reads my book to give me a man’s perspective and I will publish his comments on my blog. Always (well, almost) fun!
What authors, or books have influenced you?
My biggest influence in many ways has been Ruth Ann Nordin. She has to be one of my greatest friends in the industry–plus, her books rock!
What are you working on now?
Passions of a Gentleman–the third and final installment in my Regency series Gentleman of honor. These two have an…er…interesting first meeting and it only gets better from there!
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Books sell more books. No matter what advertising sites and strategies I’ve tried, what it always comes down to is having books available will help sell more books.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
First and foremost, write for yourself! Don’t write for the critics. Don’t write for fame and fortune. Write because you love the characters and want to experience their story in a way no one else will be able to do!
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Don’t miss your life.
I wish I had listened when I first heard it, but after a few hard knocks I learned what they meant and how to embrace it!
What are you reading now?
A little bit of everything. I have about six non-fiction books I’m somewhere in the middle of. One of them that’s my favorite so far is Bleed, Blister and Purge. It goes into pioneer medicine techniques or in other words the medicinal home remedies the colonists and pioneers used.
What’s next for you as a writer?
More books!! In 2014 I had a life-chaning event and didn’t write for the second half of the year and only dabbled in writing in 2015 (3 novellas as opposed to my 3-5 full length books per year in previous years) . This year, I plan to find a middle ground of 2 full length novels and 2 novellas. We shall see!
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
1. The Dictionary so I have plenty of kindling.
2. Pioneer Woman’s Cookbook so I have plenty of pictures to salivate over while I slowly die.
3. Bleed Blister and Purge so I can try to make my dying (hey, I’m stranded here) a little more tolerable!
and for fun..
Ruth Ann Nordin’s His Redeeming Bride
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