Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Sean Michael Hayes was born and raised in Vancouver, Canada. In his younger years he was a professional skateboarder and broke lots of bones. This is what brought him to America, the skateboarding not the broken bones, where he now lives part-time in Encinitas, CA. He likes to head out into the world on solo backpacking adventures, and when he’s not coaching today’s top professional skateboarders he’s doing something like diving with great white sharks in South Africa or living with a shaman in the Peruvian Jungle. In the last 18 months he has traveled to Spain, South Africa, Thailand, Peru, and about a dozen more countries. This diverse social and cultural understanding is the foundation for his dynamic and thoughtful literature. His experience with travel, elite sports, global marketing, and social media; have all complimented his transition into a breakthrough indie author. Sean’s is currently backpacking and working on his soon to be released second book I Killed A Black Dog.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My book is called Five Weeks in the Amazon, here is the excerpt I wrote for it on
A Modern Quest for an Ancient Remedy….
If you enjoy a fast-paced read and a true story, Five Weeks in the Amazon is the book for you. It’s an honest story filled with peaks of humor and valleys of despair. Author Sean Michael Hayes has written a book that many would put on their shelf next to Cheryl Strayed’s blockbuster success, Wild. His adventure took him into the middle of the jungle alone, but Hayes unique writing style makes the reader feel as though they are right there with him. Five Weeks in the Amazon is filled with Hayes thoughtful solutions to many of the common problems we all share. Want to find out what happened to a Canadian backpacker who hiked into the Amazon jungle to live with a shaman? Order the limited supply, first-edition now.
“At the beginning of the ceremony, nobody knows how the Ayahuasca will react, for them or anyone else. Even though I couldn’t see anybody else in the dark room, I could sense overtones of apprehension among the group. We were sitting there, waiting for the Ayahuasca to do its magic, wrapped in the darkness of the night.
With no warning, an explosion of sound and light shook the entire house. The startling interruption made someone gasp, and I heard a quick squeal from somebody else. The sky crackled to life. I knew at that moment why long ago people thought the thunder came from the sounds of the gods fighting. I imagined Zeus’ sword crashing through the clouds.
The small room became lit again and again by blasts of purple light. Thunder exploded at the same instant as the lightning flashed and I knew the storm was right on top of us. The storm shook the wooden house with every strike towards the Earth it took.
I could feel the sky’s energy and I looked across the room. Through the door, I could see the jungle illuminated with each white-hot flash of light. The room was still electrified and loud, and the Ayahusaca made its presence known. People started purging, Otillia started singing, and all the sounds mixed together…”
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Similar to Hemingway, I try to write at least 500 words a day. Like me, he also woke up early to write, and to avoid the heat when I am traveling. Plus, the morning is peaceful and quiet.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
The most influential books in my life have been Plato’s dialogues, which include “The Phaedo” “Crito” and “The Apology.” They form a picture of what Socrates, Plato’s mentor, went through leading up to the trial where he was sentenced to death and then follows him through discussions on why he must accept this decision as just.
What are you working on now?
I a now working on my second book “I Killed a Black Dog” which is a collection of my best short stories and poems from 15 years of travel and adventure.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
for me I focus more on creating great content for my own site,
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Practice with intention. Write the best you can and don’t listen to anybody that doubts your goals and visions.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“The only difference between someone who is an author and someone who is not is that an author has written a book.”
What are you reading now?
I am currently reading Raymond Carver’s “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love.”
What’s next for you as a writer?
I am finishing my audiobook, which will be out soon, and I plan to travel to Colombia in November!
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Any Salinger, Hemingway, Plato, Theroux, Steinbeck.
Author Websites and Profiles
Sean Michael Hayes Website
Sean Michael Hayes Amazon Profile
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