Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Sevarion Nadiradze started activities in e poetry field in the late 80s of the 20th century, a period when the streets of Tbilisi city was overcrowded with angry people having an aim to protest against the Soviet Union. Entire country was determined to overthrow the existing regime. in the same time, nobody had an idea how would be a new state or how to live in a liberated Georgia.
“The promised land” is a dream of characters that appear in Sevarion Nadiradze,s works. The author enriched a Georgian poetry with his original themes. The topics he chooses are directly linked to the rejuvenation-transformation of his country, as if the planet has to be born over again, “new sky and new land”, that will be ruled by a new individual, free of any kind of sins,
pure and unspoiled, as the first inhabitants of paradise.
Sevarion Nadiradze has written the vast number of lyrical verses, some poems and novels. Huge part of his activities, his verses: “Waiting for the Sun, Wen it is Dark”, “Turn on the Light”, “Poet and Hurricane”, as well as poems: “Magi and Stars”, “Voice from the World”, etc. are distinguished with their biblical, mythological, and optimistic moral-ethical motivations. s. nadiradze,s poems primarily are built on the ground of biblical stories. Though, the author finds a link between biblical chronicles stories. Though, the author finds a link between biblical chronicles and the country,s current dilemmas, brother killing war in Tbilisi is e synonym of Cain, who violently assassinated and killed his brother, Abel.
The novel “khaki yashmak” is written about the tragic that occurred in Abkhazia in the beginning of 1990s, the novel is inspired by the will of prosperous future, humanism, friendship and amity in the Caucasus region.
The presented novel “The way of flour”, its characters have relations with the past, as majority of them having sins originated in the soviet regime and those sins are still remained as an extension into freed Georgia.
in that rough time, when Georgia tried to escape from Russia’s yoke, all unwanted weaknesses came up. As the Russians were pressing the Georgian people for two hundred years and the people stayed without true belief. envy, treachery, greediness, cruelty were determining factors of citizens’ actions. The reality revealed that the people had forgotten all essential components of the life: freedom, spiritual tranquility, economic comforts had to be obtained with the hard work and religious devotion.
In the novel, the author is showing us the people whose belief in God is barely surviving. The enemies have attained all the wishes they had: separated country, brother against hid own brother, a family against another one, village against village. After Russia’s military invasion, Abkhazia and Tskinvali regions were cut from the motherland in 1993.
According to the novel, there is a true path, only one connected to the real freedom. Having a bad experience of being under the communist regime for seventy year, the path is to follow our God’s rules and regulations. The keynote of novel is described in its title: “The way of flour” that means to receive the Eucharist and to follow the lord’s trail. Flour, is a soul of bread – flesh of Christ, symbol of Eucharist, unifying the world.
“The way of flour” is telling us a village inhabitants’ life. Symbolically, they are illustrated as sinned people of that time. In the novel, the symbol of kindness, love, virtue and faith is a unity Tone where the bread is baked for Eucharist (Tone – A traditional, freestanding, beehive-shaped baker’s oven made of clay) and it is a place, where a holiness of the country is kept. A lyrical hero of the novel, accidently discovers that Tone in his village: “I was amazed,- S. Nadiradze is narrating, – touching, – touching the Tone, fell down my knees and kisseed it, as it was a miraculous alcove, fundament of the cathedral, a ladder to the truth.
Grandfather of Baduri and Jibo, Bikenti Zviadadze and Imeda Mkhedrishvili had built this Tone right on the edge of their houses. It was the sign of their firm friendship and a symbol of unity, to avoid fencing the area and to remain the Tone in the same place and keep it in a good condition as a symbol of unity.
S.Nadiradze s narrating manner is an exciting one, when telling us about a civil war that occurred in the 1990s in Georgia. The bloody war between supporters of the first president of Georgia and resistance group is symbolized in the two characters, Badur Zviadadze and Jibo mkhedrishvili’s confrontation. Grown up as brothers, who had forgotten the ancestors will, became fighters against each other. “The most tragic period in Georgia started, – the author is telling, – since Baduri and Jibo had badly renovated the Tone with fire-resistant bricks. Since that day, the bread has lost its genuine taste. The Tone, that used to as hot as the San, now is more looks lake the Crescent , cold and isolated. Abkhazia and Samachablo have been lost. The mothers were sobbing. The people were divided into two different groups, whose aim was to triumph over each other. This was a cruel marathon and Baduri and Jibo were involved in this battle as well”.
The tragic drama that is a plot of this novel occasionally resembles o grotesque. Defects of human behavior sometimes are exaggerated by the author. The most grotesque character has adolph mamulia. some dangerous moments are followed by funny situations and “The Way of flour” is read with a great pleasure. In the novel, one by one is showing pictures where the people with many sins are behaving miserably. The god’s mercy disappeared, desperate is everywhere, maternity homes are on lockdown, worms are eating the trees, fertility is about to vanish. The people suffer but the lord remains quiet , because the villagers are lacking a clemency.
Malicious people have to be punished, bat according to the novel, one kind person, clergyman Zakharia Mrevlishvili lives in the San village, who the author depends on to find out a solution. father Zakharia has a distinguished mission to fulfill, similar to biblical Moses, to lead his people to the place where there is a hope and the promised land. fighting against evil, hi does a great effort and makes his irreligious village dwellers to feel regret. Having a deep thoughts and struggle, the people show up at the village church with the strong will of repentance. Confession episode is the most impressive one in the novel. Consequently, the almighty Cod’s grace flowed in their life. The village, that is a representation of the whole world, rejuvenates.
In the final episode of “The Way of Flour” an amazing picture is shown. The sins free world is returning back to its pure commencement. The best period comes down for the human being, which in the novel is presented as signs of the spring,like in old eposes. Cold and gloomy country is converted into a state where all the beautiful flowers are blooming. The Eucharist bread and wine is shared among the people living in different continents: “There are no boundaries between the inhabitants, – S. Nadiradze have been abolished and instead, huge Tone’s are built, as an icon of anti Babylon castle”
The category of the novel is eschatological.Mountain tops are covered with the flowers, the Golden Cradle from the bazaleti Lake is unchained and the biblical Manana coming form above, are the messengers of finest era of the human being. The world returns back to its original condition of a huge love of the mankind.
It is pleasant to mention, that the novel is to be published in English that will let foreign readers understand what the Georgian spirit is, meet a modern Georgian novelist and country of Georgiacoverall.
Khvtiso Mamisimedishvili.
Professor of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State university.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My last novel “Khaki Color Yashmak” tells us about the Soviet empire. It tells the advent of Caucasian boys in the Soviet armies. Caucasian boys are confronted with injustice, but this novel is not yet translated into English …
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Nothing special, I write the truth
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I love a lot of writers, every one of them taught me something new …
What are you working on now?
Now I’m working on poetry
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I share my friends’ opinions
Do you have any advice for new authors?
To read many, travel and write the truth …
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
never give up
What are you reading now?
Byzantine mythology
What’s next for you as a writer?
I write a romance on Italian guerrillas
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
These authors will be Steinbeck, Markes and Dostoyevsky
Author Websites and Profiles
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