About Shadowed Emergence
In book one, In the Shadow of Humanity, King Orso’s Permutants rescued their high priestess and conquered the Transmutants who wanted to enslave humanity, ending
ages of in-fighting over this issue. Book two, Shadowed Emergence, continues their story & takes you on an extraordinary journey that explores uncharted territory when
King Orso brings his alien Permutants above ground and allows humans to know of their existence. This hasn’t happened since their arrival from Displution ages ago when
we humans were an unwashed, superstitious lot. Even though humans now have advanced technology, King Orso is aware that humans are ruining the planet and he feels compelled to work with them to create a safe haven for all. The Permutants face seemingly insurmountable odds with bravery, humor, and honor as some humans accept them and other’s fear and hate them, as was expected. Meanwhile, life goes on. A rigid rule follower, Bull must learn to drive among humans who use those same rules as mere suggestions. (Uh-oh!). Derman has a life changing surprise coming full steam ahead and if you read book one, it’s not what you think! Little Adira grows up smack in the middle of the good, the bad and the ugly parts of humanity. Even as life goes on, Orso orders his people to be discrete with their abilities and blend in, so they don’t freak out the humans and provoke all-out war, which would be devastating for all beings and the planet itself. Somehow, where the supernatural and the mundane meet, King Orso must find a way for the two cultures to exist side by side with respect and acceptance of their differences. The story dives deep into the emotions and lives of its characters as they work toward this lofty goal. Unfortunately, Jerkent, a surviving Transmutant is set on vengeance. He is a festering boil on Orso’s backside and is constantly spewing poison into the works. Just when you think you can’t hate Jerkent more he meets his human mate of the eons. After some gut-wrenching twists and turns, you will beg for book three, Shadows of the Amazon.
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Author Bio:
Born and reared in San Diego, CA, I now happily live in NC with my husband of 54 years. We are lucky to have a son and daughter fairly close, and three grandchildren. I have one sister who BETA reads for me because she’s a fine writer and always tells me the truth, whether I want to hear it or not! My hobbies include sewing, (especially for the annual church holiday sale and Care Buddy outfits for the children having procedures at our local hospital), playing piano, and writing. I’ve written books and stories my whole life, but have only recently decided to publish them. I love taking the seed of a concept and developing it into a saga with memorable characters. I love the Lord our God and lean toward life’s happier side.