Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’ve published three novels, the first half of a fourteen episode serial, a couple short stories, and am currently writing a paranormal romance. Other works include a memoir/life philosophy non-fiction book that lives only in my laptop, as well as the opening pages of numerous future storylines. I think young and I live young even though my birth certificate doesn’t agree. My writing tends to come from a female perspective, but I’ve had many men tell me they enjoyed my books. The characters spring from my imagination but the goal is to make them so believable you feel you may meet them on the streets of your own town.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
May – Episode 6 of Anna’s Legacy is my latest book. This serial is about a college-age girl who has always followed the rules set within her parents’ world. Her beloved aunt (a woman with a personality similar to my older sister) keeps telling her to break away. She practically ensures it with an unusual bequest upon her death. Did I mention I was one of those girls who followed all the rules?…right up to the day I broke away? No, my own direction was quite different from the character in Anna’s Legacy, but it came with a parallel set of challenges.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
No, not really. However, my favorite, and most prolific, writing spot is sitting on the dock at our summer vacation home. I don’t write my characters from the outside looking in; I get into their psyches and transcribe their words and actions as I experience them in my head.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I’ve read Danielle Steele and Arthur Hailey, very different authors. What they have in common is their in-depth exploration. For Danielle Steele, it’s generations of a woman’s life and influences of people encountered. For Arthur Hailey, it’s dissected layers and nuances of a profession or institution. I’ve borrowed a little bit of both their styles.
What are you working on now?
I’m almost finished with June – Episode 7 of Anna’s Legacy. I’m also working on a paranormal romance that currently has only a working title. Now and then, I pause to write a short story…usually flash fiction. Whenever I get a brainstorm for another project, I jot down a few notes and bury them away so I don’t get distracted by these new, shiny objects.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
That’s a good question. I have an active author Facebook page and a presence on Goodreads that I’ve never fully developed. Word of mouth has perhaps been the most effective vehicle to spread the word of my books. I’ve recently made the decision to advertise, something I’ve always known I should do but haven’t. Why?…because I’d rather write than do administrative work.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write. Don’t get stuck on page one or chapter one. Get it written and then go back and make it better. Go back as many times as necessary, but get to the end and don’t lose yourself in revisions that prevent you from ever hitting the publish button. Did I mention I self-publish? In my opinion, independent publishing is the way to go.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
If you’ve actually finished a book, you are miles ahead of most people who say they want to write a book someday but never will. Be proud of your efforts. Second best advice: write the next book, and the next and the next.
What are you reading now?
I bounce back and forth between fiction and non-fiction, between light reading and heavy subjects. I may not read at all while pumping out thousands of words for my own book. Then I may go on a binge of non-stop reading in which I do little writing. Recently I finished The Emperor of All Maladies (a biography of cancer), Dust by Hugh Howey, and What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty. Do you see what I mean about bouncing back and forth?
What’s next for you as a writer?
I want to finish my paranormal romance and the last episodes of my serial. At that point, I’ll pull out one of my ideas I’ve stashed away or, maybe, I’ll head off in a whole new direction inspired by who knows what.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
1- a good dictionary
2- a book filled with blank pages for me to fill
3- a great mystery or saga I can reread many times
4- a Spanish/English dictionary as I’d finally have time to work on improving my Spanish vocabulary
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Sheryl Fawcett Website
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