I just came across a nicely put together infographic on social media and I think a lot of authors could benefit from it. I get a lot of questions about promoting books and this is a good guide for how to create the perfect post. While it has information about Vine at the end most authors can ignore that network for book promotion since there really isn’t a use for that as an author.
How to create the perfect social media post is an infographic that was produced by mycleveragency
love the simplicity of the chart. thanks carol
Great ideas and love the chart for when to post on Facebook and Twitter.
Great charts. I heard that Facebook keeps changing its algorithm and now pictures don’t work as well. Did you hear this too?
I have question …… do we have accounts with these social sites that reflect us as the author/publisher or as the book? So do I open a face book/instagram account as David Harris or as ‘The Publisher” or as the name of the book?
You can do either but I would use it as the author, this way you can also market your next book also without having to change your social media accounts.
Love this graphic. Will share it with other technophobes like me!!
Very useful. For the times you reference as most effective, are these Easter time in the US? Thanks.
Hi Elaine
Yes EST is what the article is based on.
One of the best most useful infographic I’ve seen in a long time. Love to know how the optimum times were found, if correct that is well worth giving attention to.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks Michael
I am not usually an infographic guy but I agree this one was pretty good.
Wow, priceless information for book marketing here. Thanks! Love the infographic!