Interview With Author soufiane L
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
So far, I have published ten books, including poetry collections, short story collections, and stories. Very soon, three novels that I had finished will be published, although I had hesitated to publish them. The first novel I was hesitant to publish because it contains significant criticism of society and its ideology, so the decision to publish it will be difficult. As for the other novels, I hesitated because I wanted to publish them in print, but after much thought, I realized that print publishing is not possible in my country the way I aspire to. Publishing is extremely difficult here, and after publishing, everyone faces problems. The publisher does not provide any information about sales or profits, nor do they provide the author with details about where the book is being distributed. After thinking and receiving much advice from friends who have published and are struggling with the publishers, I decided to publish electronically to make the book more accessible.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The last book I published is titled The Virtuous America. It’s a story about the American president deciding to run for a third term, gathering his supporters and voters in a big scene. What motivated me to write the story was the character of the president, who I expected would make such a decision, along with the international political situation, which has become very strange. We have started to witness unexpected changes in several countries, and international institutions are also not performing their roles, and the law has become ineffective. My story is a depiction of what could happen, not necessarily in a negative way, but I presented it as starting with a conflict and suffering, but it ends with a happy conclusion.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Usually, I don’t do anything except listen to music, and this isn’t really a choice but rather something imposed by the noise in the street that prevents me from concentrating. Therefore, the only solution is music.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
There are many, but I love Gustave Le Bon, George Orwell, Victor Hugo, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. However, I’m not one to idolize a particular writer. I am open to everyone, and every distinguished writer I read, I certainly add to my list. There are many authors who have amazing works, but I focus on those who I feel have aspects that others don’t, and perhaps they were ahead of their time.
What are you working on now?
Currently, I am working on finishing a novel titled Autumn Leaves. It is a romantic novel, and I am trying to present it well. It is primarily filled with sadness, and I describe it as having a calm tone. It is not based on conflict, but rather on strong emotions.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Currently, I don’t focus on marketing. I focus on writing and publishing, because I see marketing as very exhausting and requiring full dedication. Even social media, I no longer waste my time on. Unfortunately, I see that all the websites have become filled with those who want to spread their ideologies rather than real people wanting to talk about what matters to them or discuss their books or anything genuine. Therefore, I prefer not to be on websites that are no longer used in a beneficial way. Their influence has become negative for everyone.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
After years of writing and interacting with writers, publishers, and personal struggles, my advice to every writer is to be confident in yourself and what you write. If you read and create, you will succeed. Even if some say that what you write is not good, don’t pay attention. Keep going and present what you excel at. Creativity has no rules; it’s judged based on our tastes. There is always a reader who will like what you write, so don’t concern yourself with pleasing literary scholars. Try to please the reader and yourself.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
There is no perfect advice; these are scattered ideas here and there. It can be summarized that writing is not what the writer or the scholar says, but what the reader wants.
What are you reading now?
I’m reading an autobiography of Molière.
What’s next for you as a writer?
As a writer, I am stuck in the same cycle. I search for ideas, write, and read. What I am doing now is trying to finish Autumn Leaves, and I also have other ideas that I am trying to improve and search through their details.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
It’s a tough question, but what would drive me to accept being stranded on the island? Nothing. In any case, I might be greedy and take with me the complete works of some writers, like Albert Camus, Rousseau, and George Orwell. I would also look for a fourth author whose works I haven’t read and find a book that collects all of their works.
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