Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a retired Firefighter/Paramedic. Having worked in the Fire/EMS field for over forty years, I was looking for a change of pace. That came after Hurricane IRMA. I am now living in the Florida Keys about an older sailboat called “SE of Disorder”. Having only written a few articles about sailing and traveling, the urge to take up writing struck me after moving to the keys.
I currently have two fiction novels on Amazon, with three more in the pipeline due out before Christmas.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The book is called “Fireman Down”. Its the first book in a fictional series surrounding a fatal high rise fire and the attempt of one fireman to clear the name of his friend. It follows someone targeting the firemen and setting fires to draw them in. Having been a fireman for over 30 years, many scenes are drawn from personal experiences, allowing me to paint a very dramatic image only someone that has witnessed major fires could.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Most people sit at a desk and work on their writing. Living in Key West, with a year round climate that is perfect, allows me the luxury to write almost anywhere. I can usually be found with tablet and keyboard at any number of locations or establishments around Key West. And on occasion, even sitting on my sailboat writing. Whether listening to a local band playing in the background, or having a glass of Sangria up on Duval street, it is the vibe that this town gives off that motivates me to write. I do believe for me, the tablet allows me the best option for writing wherever I find to sit for more than a few minutes.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Clive Cussler for one. His style of suspense writing is amazing. Have re-read several of his books over the years.
What are you working on now?
Actually have several books in process. First one is “On Distant Shores”. It is a beginners guide for sailing to the Bahamas. Many revisions are now needed due to Hurricane Dorian visit but the basic information is thee same. Book two in the “Fireman Down” series is over 50% done. And the third one is a horror sci fi book yet untitled revolving around GMO foods and a plague that follows.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Thats a tough one. Like many newer writers, getting an acceptable exposure is hard. “Awesome Gang” has proven to be quite reliable in getting that exposure.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
I only took up writing after I retired and moved to the keys last year. You are never too old or too late to take up pen or keyboard in hand. And I am a prime example of all those that harp you must a perfect writing environment. That is not for everyone.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Hemingway said it best “Write Drunk, Edit Sober”
What are you reading now?
I am currently between books, having just finished reading an older Cussler novel, “Shockwave”.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Actually started a novel about Hurricane Irma right after I arrived in Key West two years ago. More of a historical fiction, it follows the lives of those impacted by IRMA, and the unfortunate soles that were lost and yet were never counted among the missing. Now after the media exposures the Bahamas, the story is bubbling back to the surface.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
“Mother Earth News Collection”, “Survival guide for idiots” and the complete works of Garfield the cat!
Author Websites and Profiles
Stan Loveday Website
Stan Loveday Amazon Profile