Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I grew up in the northern Appalachian Mountains. There I enjoyed the beauty and simplicity of nature and life. I was a typical country boy and enjoyed this lifestyle very much. I started writing poems and short stories during high school. I had experiences during my youth that were difficult but have enriched my understanding of life and humankind immensely. I spent over three years living practically out of a backpack as I traveled from place to place; working as a convention coordinator, bartender and DJ. Then I studied Marketing and Management in college.
During this period I decided to enlist in the Army to learn about the world and finance my college education. I continued my college education in Europe. My academic interests shifted slightly during this time. I concentrated on Psychology and Humanities. I participated in various writing contests and projects during my education.
I have lived in Europe for many years. These experiences have nurtured and expanded my understanding of human existence. The first-hand experiences with many different cultures have given me insight into human nature and behavior. I desire to experience life on a one to one simplistic basis; engulfed in life and not separate from it.
My decision to write as an author happened two years ago. It was not really a decision; it just happened. There was a voice within that told me “It is time to write. It is time to share.” Since then I have written two books.
I am the author of “Simplicity of Life” and “One Moment in Life”. These books and my blog website are dedicated to spirituality, human existence and life awareness. I am currently writing the third book in the “Life” series. I write weekly articles and share these on various websites. There will also soon be Facebook Live Video sessions with myself and five individuals discussing ideas and insights relative to the above mentioned topics. These will also eventually be shown on Youtube. Life is a sharing experience.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
“Simplicity of Life: Why does being Human Complicate Everything?”
This book is the second in a three book “Life” series. It became obvious as I wrote the first book that a second book would be writing and a third. The inspiration to share the topics in the books originates from something that I have sensed since childhood.
This feeling or sensation is often described as the mystery of life. It could be said that this certain “something” that everyone senses from time to time is the totality of life intelligence or universal consciousness. We all experience a moment in our existence when unity between everything in the universe is felt first-hand. This has always been my inspiration; to become more aware of this conscious energy. I felt that sharing ideas and insights through these three books may give others helpful stepping stones in understanding our existence and life.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
My writing style is a mixture of spontaneity and use of the writing skills I learned during my education. I consider what it is that I wish to share. I tend to keep the initial ideal short and fundamental. I do research for lengthier manuscript projects; then I simple start to write.
Every project is somewhat like a puzzle that magically fits together. The puzzle pieces are constructed through free-form writing although there is always an intuitive desire for structure within the written segments. It all somehow just falls into place at the appropriate phrase of the manuscript project.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Wow, I can not list all the written works that have influenced me. There are too many. I can list ten that could be considered as more influential than others.
– “Call of the Wild” Jack London
– “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” Robert M. Pirsig
– “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” Richard Bach
– “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare”
– “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” Joseph Campbell
– “A Course in Miracles”
– “Silas Marner” George Eliot
– “Treasure Island” Robert Louis Stevenson
– “Harry Potter” series J.K. Rowling
– “Game of Thrones” series George RR Martin
Equally influential are Ralph Waldo Emerson, Mark Twain, Henry David Thoreau and Lao Tzu.
What are you working on now?
I am current writing a third book in the “Life” series. The book will primarily discuss love and what human beings have done with it. The book will also consider aspects of our human development in areas of ego, desires, needs and wants. The book will discuss how human beings have used and misused emotions and behavior associated with what we have labeled as “love”. The first two books that I have written and this third book can be read separately or as a series.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
A person interested in promoting what he or she writes has many options. The key in promoting is to stay active. This means using all available resources that have proven to be respectable. There is not a sure-fire method in promotion. Self-publishing authors can use mainstream social media platforms to promote themselves as an author and present their books. A well structured website is also very useful. Word of mouth is perhaps the best method in becoming established as an author. Speak with people about what you write and ask for feedback.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Writing is not really something that is done for a reason. If you have a desire to write; then simply do it. The details will fall into place. It is truly about the joy of writing and sharing, not about the results of both. Stephan King stated this nicely in two quotes:
“Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end, it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well.”
― Stephen King
“When you write a book, you spend day after day scanning and identifying the trees. When you’re done, you have to step back and look at the forest.”
― Stephen King
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
This would probably be a quote from Buddha.
“Do not dwell in the past; do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
– Buddha
What are you reading now?
There are two books that I am currently enjoying:
– The Light: A Book of Knowing: How to Shine Your Light Brighter and Live in the Spiritual Heart by Keidi Keating
– The Man with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell
What’s next for you as a writer?
My third book in the “Life” series should be done by late summer 2017. I have several manuscript projects now in planning. I will start writing the next book immediately after the third book is published. The projects will be in diverse genres; some of which include:
– A non-fiction novel which will reflect on human interaction with life as seen through our experiences. This book may be very enjoyable for many people of all ages
– A novel about my search for love that started as a young boy. This may be in the form of a biography.
– Three books for children. I have these more or less written in my mind. The next step is to put them on paper.
– A science fiction novel based on spirituality. This book will have something for everyone; spiritual experiences, time-shifting (wormholes) and earth history. It is the story of a woman that is trying to make sense of her existence, her mortality and life. She will be accompanied by a dog with extra ordinary abilities.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I would take a book with blank pages so that I could write about my experiences on this island; naturally I would also need a few pencils. Additionally I would take these books:
– “A Course in Miracles”
– “How to Survive on a Deserted Island”
– “Treasure Island”
– “Critique of Pure Reason”
Author Websites and Profiles
Steve Leasock Website
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