Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Retired USAF Mustang–Captain. 22 years distinguished career, 14 enlisted, 8 as officer, with special joint service tours of duty at Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Pentagon; Commander-in-Chief, Pacific (CINCPAC) Hawaii; USAF Honor Guard, Wash DC under Reagan Administration; White House Fellowship nominee; Superintendent of Publishing, HQ 15AF; Commander, Civil Engineering SQ & Commander, Operations Support SQ, supporting two F-16 fighter squadrons in Korea. Received Bronze Star device for Desert Shield/Storm; Lauded as USAF Outstanding Administrator of the Year…
Born in Ashland, Oregon. Retired from USAF on New Years Eve 1993 (age 40) returning to Grants Pass, Oregon to raise my then three young sons as a single dad in the hometown atmosphere I enjoyed growing up among some 250 remaining relatives.
Created a comic strip in 2005 based on a retelling of my youth. Published for five years in the Daily Courier then picked up in the Sneak Preview (readership 200k) est. Ended the Stevie Tenderheart strip to write more as those panels were so confining.
Published my first Stevie Tenderheart children’s book, My Favorite Place to Be…(A Bedtime Story). It comes with a companion coloring book. Then, Stevie Tenderheart Wait a Minute! (A Bedtime Story) also with a companion coloring book.
To date 600+ Goodreads ratings/reviews. Worst: “Too many words.” Best: “Best children’s author to come along since Dr. Seuss.” [As if, but still. Pretty cool.]
After a few more Stevie Tenderheart illustrated picture books (Ages 4-8):
Tick Tock (Midnight Confusion); Seven Rules (On Becoming a Fantastic Kid) along with Seven Rules (On Raising a Fantastic Kid); I made the transition to Stevie Tenderheart novellas: Billy Jack (The Great Escape) & A Silent Kiss Goodnight (Stevie and the Tooth Fairy) along with a family fun night returns board game book about a board game I created as a single dad. It’s called, Backfire by Kodel
I wrote Billy Jack (The Great Escape) for 10-year-old men & the kid still inside you. #GigglesAssured
It will get boys reading again for pure entertainment. It was written in a storyteller’s voice rather than quoted he said, she said conversations making it much easier to read & follow along with in the lessons being shared without their knowing. There are 1-2 page stories within stories presented with losds of humor & hijinks. The lessons are based on true stories & not preachy. They’ll learn better that way.
Lessons about responsibilities, personal & financial; competition & sportsmanship; first crushes; anti-bullying; independence; and consequences.
Billy Jack is a really fun read/ride. #CowboyPromise
It makes for a wonderful bedtime story bonding experience reading 5-10 pages each night until children can read it on their own.
Seventeen books to date. Many Stevie books are available in print, Kindle & audobooks.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Stevie Tenderheart A Silent Kiss Goodnight (Stevie and the Tooth fairy) a novella meant to excite children sparking their imaginations and put to rest any fears they might have about losing their first tooth. It’s based on a true story mixed in with fairytale musings. Kids will never really be sure when their legs are being pulled. It’s a splendid bedtime story. It is in print, Kindle & audiobooks.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I become the child! My discipline comes from writing my comic strip. I audition every word. I write with a lot of tongue-in-cheek humor. It has to be funny the first time and the umpteenth time. At 2am and again at 10am or 4pm. I basically sit & my laptop in the quiet of the evening not looking up again for 15 hours with only a thought. Then, somehow, as it’s still not clear to me, I channel my inner-child. My audience is ever-present in my mind.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Hemingway for the vibrant detail. Twain for the adventure & exploration of imagination.
What are you working on now?
Stevie Tenderheart A Second Kiss Goodnight (A Bedtime Story) likely my final illustrated children’s book.
My goal as an American children’s author is twofold.
1. Stevie books help parents put their children to bed on time, every time. Just be mindful when you say, “It’s Stevie time.” As they will likely hear, “It’s TV time.”
2. Stevie books help children feel safe, loved, silly & cozy at bedtime.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I have 4M+ engagements (likes, loves, shares, comments) using Facebook’s boosted posts over the past five years.
I also use Cost per Click (CPC) “click” advertising (bids) on Amazon (Sponsored Branding & Lock Screen) ads Kindle & Fire tablet) devices which also populate Amazon’s eight global platforms (US, UK, CANADA, SPAIN, GERMANY, ITALY, FRANCE, & AUSTRALIA) in adfition to Google ad words.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write for the joy of it. The pure love of creating & expression. Let your stories become your legacy…
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
What are you reading now?
Where the Crawdads Sing…Diary of a Wimpy Kid series…
What’s next for you as a writer?
To expand my transition from illustrated picture books writing more true life misadventures (novellas of about 120 pages) for children (Ages 10+).
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
A rhyming dictionary. Stevie Tenderhert Billy Jack (The Great Escape) because I am so proud of it & enjoy reading it often as my childhood lives on those pages; any of number of books on Walt Disney (as I met him once when I was five or six). He knelt down & patted my head whispering magic in my ear. I felt anointed all the while Alice in Wonderland (the real one) kissed me on the cheek. The Eloquent Universe (String Theory).
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Steve William Laible Website
Steve William Laible Amazon Profile
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