The story revolves around the Aoba Supernatural Agency, which investigates mysterious and supernatural occurrences. The main characters include clients who seek the agency’s help in dealing with paranormal activities. The narrative weaves together different cases, each involving unique and eerie experiences.
In one case, a man named Fang Guoying recounts encountering a face with no facial features and black hair, leading to a series of terrifying events. Another case involves a woman, Miss Yu, who experiences strange occurrences related to a ghost fetus.
As the agency delves deeper into these cases, they uncover connections to a haunted hotel, a ghostly cat, and a malevolent fox spirit. The narrative unfolds through interviews, audio files, and investigations, creating a suspenseful and chilling atmosphere.
The story takes unexpected turns, revealing the dark and supernatural forces at play. The characters face challenges as they confront malevolent spirits, haunted objects, and mysterious deaths. The climax involves a confrontation with a vengeful spirit possessing a kimono.
The tale explores themes of supernatural phenomena, ghostly encounters, and the thin boundary between the living and the dead. The characters grapple with fear, loss, and the unknown as they navigate through a world filled with paranormal mysteries.
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It’s a pleasure to share these stories with everyone
Growing up reading J. R. R. Tolkien’s stories, I love the Fantasy genre, combined with a bit of harem.
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