Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I have been a passionate writer ever since 2004. Poems have been the hallmark of all my pieces until 2007 where I started a blog. I was not able to be consistent at the time with it but still kept my poems going. They were a hobby really. 2011 is when my writing took a serious turn. I published articles every week to an average of at least 5 per week! Talk about a book had been circulating the lips of my friends but only managed to execute it this year. Manuscripts have come and go over the years until I firmly decided to stick this one through to the end.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My book is called Breakthrough With Desire: 10 Ways To Do What You Want And Make It Count. Hidden deep within my search for what I was born for, was a writer screaming desperately to spring out! Awkwardly enough I still had this yearning lingering within even as I kept updating my blog. It is a strange feeling experinecing the thing you are looking for while searching at the same time. Having sat down and wrote this book, almost out of whim, I purposed to encourage others to pursue and live out their dreams without ever having to worry about a second in thier day passing, with a shadow of doubt on their mind as to whether or not they are enjoyimg a life of fulfillment.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
My writing times are haphazard. I don’t actually have a “best time” so to speak. Inspiration comes at any time from anywhere. I tend to write at all times of day, morning, afternoon and evening, sometimes on the same day. The beauty of this is I get some work done. At times when I start I jump right into the zone (a straight 3000-word nonstop mode), and keep moving. I believe my articles on my blog and my poems have created this strange habit. Movies and series do offer the greatest impact as far as motivation goes as I do have a filmmaking background, and understand the story elements that make the movie/TV show what it is.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
My genre is self-help and I enjoying blogging so Seth Godin and the success advocates Brian Tracy and Mark Victor Hansen with Jack Canfield have been the pinnacle of the passion for my writing. The stories from Chicken Soup For The Soul and Eat That Frog push me to meet my goals. The Leadership expert, John C Maxwell is my personal favorite of them all. Steven Covey’s 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People is another great tool I use.
What are you working on now?
Breakthrough With Desire is my first book in the Better Life series. The next one, which is the second will be Live In The Moment: Using Your Present To Create Your Future. I am so pumped about it, a lot of my blog posts have included portions of this topic with stories from different characters in my life. Having read the dire circumstances of top authors like Robert Kiyosaki in his Rich Dad Poor Dad series and how he used them to piece together parts of his future he could project in his mind, plus and when I recall how I got to where I am today by choosing to see a different side of my situation-a blessing in disguise kind of mentality-that’s when things, at the core, began to change. I’m enthusiatsic about it.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Right now it’s Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing along with amazing sites like Awesomegang!
Do you have any advice for new authors?
First, follow Nike’s slogan. If you’re afraid to write, just do it. Concerned about publishing, do it anyways. One thing I love to say is, “You don’t know until you don’t know,” which means you never know the outcome of anything unti you try.
Second, don’t give up, press on! Having a bad day? Keep going. Got a cold? Jot a few words down. Given a bad review? Thank them. Don’t feel like writing? Lock in a sntence. Even two or three words added that day makes a huge diffference. Another thing I love to say is, “It’s better to go somewhere slow than to head nowhere fast!”
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“Whatever you’re meant to do, do it now. The conditions are always impossible.” Doris Lessing
What are you reading now?
Lisa J Roberts’ Building Self-Esteem And Confidence. Loving it
What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m looking into guest posting a few blogs and later collaborating with some friends of mine in the same niche. I can’t wait.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
How Successful People Think: John C Maxwell
Wild At Heart: John Eldredge
Honour’s Reward: John Bevere
Chicken Soup For The Christian Soul: Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen
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