Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a writer; motivational speaker; host and producer of The Healing Place Podcast; a registered Pet Partners therapy dog handler of my Labradoodle, Sammie; and founder/director of the volunteer organization, Sammie’s Bundles of Hope, benefiting children with trauma history. Known as the “glitter shitter,” I radiate a contagious energy of joyousness and hope.
I grew up in a volatile home, filled with sprinklings of love and affection. I was the oldest of two girls, having a three-year head start on my sister. I carried dark secrets within the confines of my soul long into my adult years. My struggles with the symptoms of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) would come to a head in 2013, after a 25 year battle with severe panic attacks. It was then, I would seek help in the form of EMDR therapy. Within the confines of that safe space, I would dump the contents of my compartmentalized traumas into a heap of unprocessed memories. Sifting through that pile, trauma by trauma, with the help of my therapist, I set out on a life-altering healing journey.
It was on this healing journey, when I also began to develop my own self-care regimen, including, but not limited to: yoga, meditation, nature walks, continued mindfulness training, journaling, prayer, positive affirmations, grounding exercises, tapping, and connecting with others through the miracle of hope. I am excited to share my journey with others, in the hopes of offering a hand to hold as those first steps toward healing are taken.
I graduated magna cum laude from the University of Cincinnati with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. I utilized this degree while working with children in school and mental health agency settings.
I am the owner of InvizaShield, handling the accounting, marketing and IT functions of my business. Having built this business from the ground up, I have learned the importance of strong marketing efforts, utilizing social media in growing the company’s following and name recognition. Applying self-taught skills, I built the company website and various social media outlets. I have worked diligently to increase the sales of my company, reaching a new sales record every year since starting the company in 2005.
As a mom of three beautiful children, ages 25, 22 and 12, I live with my partner, and our daughter, in a quiet suburb outside of Cincinnati. We spend our summers entertaining friends and family at poolside dive-in movie parties in our idyllic backyard – with guests vying for a favored spot in the tiki hut. I enjoy hiking at The Cincinnati Nature Center, hosting a Euchre Club, volunteering at school functions, and having deep, laughter-filled conversations with my beautiful collection of friends and loved ones.
** trigger warning for those interested in the trauma part of my story **
By age 22 I had survived an attempted drowning by an alcoholic parent; physical abuse at the hands of a parent; sexual molestations by various predators; date rape; gang attack; attempted rape by a police officer; bank robbery in which a gun was held to my head and my co-worker was stabbed 3 times with a hunting knife; and a second bank robbery in which my co-worker was shot and murdered and I found myself face-to-face with an armed gunman. Those are merely the highlights.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My first e-book is titled, “Stop Thinking . . . Just Love” and was inspired by a message I received through a friend from my recently deceased father. His message was that exact sentiment. Soon after, I started finding hearts everywhere. Every day. Without fail. My reminder to focus on the love surrounding me.
I am in the process of finishing up the manuscript for a book titled, “Unicorn Shadows”, about my triumph over trauma. The proposal is complete and once the manuscript is finished and edited, I will be sending it out into the universe to find an agent or publisher. Right now my focus is on building my platform and following.
I wrote a children’s book with my daughter (who was nine years old at the time of publishing) about our therapy dog, Sammie. Our sweet labradoodle works with children in school settings, helping reduce anxiety for the kids. Sammie has her own website,, Facebook page and Instagram. She’s a rockstar.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I have an amazing writing space! It is filled with peace and love. I record podcasts and YouTube vlogs of the podcast from here, as well. This sacred writing space helps me share the tranquility I have come to savor in my own life.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Oh my gosh . . . so many! My current favorite is probably Dr. Wayne Dyer. I have an entire collection of book titles I share with audience members when I share my story of hope on stage in presentations/speaking roles. Those are the books that helped me along my healing journey in profound ways: “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk, “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza, “The Miracle of Mindfulness” by Thich Nhat Hanh, “Getting Past Your Past” by Dr. Francine Shapiro, “Waking the Tiger” by Peter A. Levine, and many more. “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle was probably the most impactful.
What are you working on now?
Next, my now twelve-year-old daughter and I will be writing a follow up children’s book about our therapy dog, Sammie. This one will be about bullying.
I will continue to focus on finishing my “Unicorn Shadows” manuscript. That book has been a work in process for years and is close to being born.
Growing my following and platform through the podcast, blogging (Unicorn Shadows is my blog name, too), YouTube vlog, speaking, and writing is tops on my to-do list.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I am new to this! So, I am hoping you can help. I am researching avenues for promotion. Both free and paid. My goal, while grandiose, is to reach one million people with my story of hope! Through my podcast, books, blogs, and speaking.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
I am a new author! Always looking for guidance as I build my platform.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
My therapist told me, “Just notice” and a friend advised me, “Be gentle with yourself”. Two of the most profound moments of my life. I was in EMDR therapy to process old traumatic events and a panic attack was surfacing when my therapist advised, “just notice” . . . without judgment of what was surfacing or the emotions swirling. I began a journey that day of allowing the scary stuff to arise and release. When I learned to “be gentle” with myself, my healing journey thrived. This has all led me to a place of peace and joy which I share with others through my writing and podcasts (Unicorn Shadows blog, books, and The Healing Place podcast).
What are you reading now?
For research: Treating Self-Destructive Behaviors in Trauma Survivors-A Clinician’s Guide by Lisa Ferentz. Also, Platform-Get Noticed in a Busy World by Michael Hyatt. And Codependent No More by Melody Beattie. For fun: Turbo Twenty-Three by Janet Evanovich
What’s next for you as a writer?
A million little things . . . learning to promote, writing every day, continuing on my personal healing journey and sharing the lessons learned with others, blogging, podcasting, finishing the manuscript on my “Unicorn Shadows: From Trauma to Triumph – A Healing Guide” book, writing a second children’s book about our therapy dog, Sammie, with my daughter, finding hearts, and enjoying my “now”.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
“The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightment” by Eckhart Tolle as my reminder to enjoy the moment, whether stranded or not, and focus on mindfulness practices. A Janet Evanovich book just to make me laugh. “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life” by Dr. Wayne Dyer in order to keep my perspectives in check on the importance of love and positive thinking. Finally, my own “Stop Thinking . . . Just Love” book as a beautiful recollection of the love that has surrounded me.
Author Websites and Profiles
Teri Wellbrock Website
Teri Wellbrock Amazon Profile
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