About The Colours of Love
The Colours of Love is a real-life testimony on how a life should be lived and how it should not. It recounts my love for my parents, love for a woman that I loved more than my life, love for my daughter, friends, love for the countries where I lived. It traces a life that was challenged by adverse events, tribulations and desolation far beyond any experience of an ordinary man. Love, crime and science-fiction-like experiences, triggered by delusions and hallucinations, are interwoven in this narrative of life.
For legal reasons, all names of living persons in this book are fictional.
I wrote this book when I was fifty-five years old, as a culmination of my life. It recounts my utmost remorse for the things that I did, but I should not have done, and for things that I did not do, but I should have done. The consequences of my decisions, or failure to make a decision when it was required, resulted in extraordinary loss of property—physical and intellectual. I lost my share in five houses and one apartment; I lost my profession, my wife, my daughter, my social status and freedom. None of this was my desire. Why did this happen to me?
I had all the prerequisites to live a successful and wealthy life. My father was a medical doctor, specialised in neurology and psychiatry; my mother was a piano teacher; I was a medical doctor; my wife was a medical doctor. I had permanent residency permits in two countries, Sweden and Australia. However, I ended up with almost nothing.
At the relevant times, I was not mentally ill. I did not use drugs. I was not alcoholic. I was not involved in criminal activities. I believed that I loved my parents, my wife, my daughter, my friends, the countries where I lived. Why did I end up in prison?
With God’s blessing, I reviewed my life. I put it in writing. It is now available to anyone who wishes to learn from other people’s mistakes, or just wishes to see how far human love can be stretched.
The book is written for adolescents who are just about to face the challenges of their lives. It is also aimed at adults, as a mirror of how good or bad their lives are compared to a non-standard life.
AUSTIN MACAULEY PUBLISHERS RE: ‘The Colours of Love’: “… we can confidently state that your work was found to be a most absorbing and intriguing memoir, very well-written, that will undoubtedly captivate a wide audience. The Board was very pleased about the sophisticated narrative and a most compelling plot, exploring fascinating times, events, and experiences of the author. We believe your work is very well-conceived and developed, allowing the reader to fully engage into the read. ‘The Colours of Love’ is a well-written and researched work worthy of attention and believe it would have a place in the market.”
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Author Bio:
Dragan Cvetkovic Kaspar was born in 1960 in Serbia. He is a qualified medical doctor. He also holds Master of Science degree in Immunology, from the University of East London, and postgraduate diploma in Jurisprudence, from the Faculty of Law, University of Sydney. He left Serbia in 1991, and lived in Sweden with his wife and daughter for 7 years, until 1998, when he and his family immigrated into Australia as skilled migrants. He is an Australian Citizen since year 2000. He wrote this book, The Colours of Love, in about 180 hours, over 35 days, whilst he was in prison.