About The Death Shriek of the Destructzord
[FREE on Kobo July 10-13]
The gaming community has been infiltrated by a network of agents provocateurs. At first the agents were satisfied sowing discontent, but now they’ve stepped up the intensity.
Violent attacks and conspiracies plague the gaming community. Sarketron, the evil leader of the Femsploders, has devised a plan that will lead inevitably to war. Jim Silver and his concubine, Freaky Constantina, work at Destroyzoid, a gaming publication for unhinged maniacs like Zombie Orwell.
When their peaceful life is threatened, they must pilot the Brutal Mech Destructzord in a war that will determine their fates as well as the future of gaming. But none of them suspect the dark secret of Brutal Mech Destructzord and who it was built for.
This definitely won’t all end in tears.
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Author Bio:
Morgan’s writing is the downfall of humanity. It is Tom Clancy in a psilocybin-infused bender with Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Adams at a Mars Volta concert. It is excess having a rendezvous with bombast and decadence.
Morgan is the most dangerous person who has ever been given extreme talent.