About The Essential Prepper’s Survival Guide: Survive A Worst Case Scenario On Any Budget
Do you want to know you’re ready and prepared for any conceivable contingency, regardless of life’s unpredictable twist and turns?
Are you someone who is concerned for you and your family’s safety?
With Wars brewing around the world, viruses crippling society, prepping is no longer a fringe hobby.
It is more……it is cultivating your unshakable readiness.
It is being resourceful and shifting to a can do attitude.
Prepping is no longer for the extremist or the paranoid.
It is for you…….a person who cares about not being victim to the whims of the word.
You can no longer just depend on the government for you and your family’s safety.
So what to do?
Let’s not stock up on toilet tissue.
And arm yourself with The Essential Prepper’s Survival Guide.
This book will not only guide you on how to survive a worst case scenario, but it will also do it with a budget in mind.
Here’s just a fraction of what you’ll discover inside:
-The Essential Mindset Tips EVERY prepper Must Know
-The Money Saving Secrets To Prevent Prepping Bankrupting You
Safeguarding Your Food & Water Cache
-The Truth About Caning & The Little Known Food Storage Hacks
-Exactly How To Break Away From Modern Society, Get In Touch With Tradition and Live A
Natural Off Grid Life!
-Impossible To Ignore Tips On Self-sufficient living
-Keeping Your HOME SAFE, The Legal Way
-Ensuring You Never Go Hungry
-The Complete Guide To Finding Water NO MATTER Where You Are
-How Not To Break The Bank And Meet Your Prepper Goals
-And a whole lot more!
You don’t have to be special forces to be ready for what this world will throw at you.
My goal is to show you that when you have the only prepping guide you’ll ever need, you’ll be able to get ready for everything and meet any challenge head on.
Are you ready to rise to the occasion?
Empower Yourself Today for a Safer Tomorrow and Enjoy the Read!
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Author Bio:
Edwin Hose was the man who literally saw Covid 19 coming!
Ten years ago, Edwin was very much like most city dwellers. He depended on the grid for light and water, and he was aware that he was at the mercy of the government and other people should any city-wide disaster strike. Finally, after surviving his fair share of natural disasters including a tsunami on a trip to Alaska, Edwin decided he would take his destiny into his own hands.
In trying to go off-grid and become self-sufficient, Edwin faced a significant number of challenges. Different people seemed to have different (and often conflicting) answers to the challenges most beginner preppers face. It cost Edwin a significant amount of time, effort and money to try out the different solutions until he found what worked.
However, by the time Covid 19 struck, Edwin had been a successful prepper for three years and he faced no major hurdles he couldn’t solve. Self-sufficient, well-stocked and ready, Edwin and his family did not panic or need to significantly change their usual routines in the middle of the lockdown.
In fact, during the lockdown, he got actively involved in advising his neighbors and friends about their food, water, survival tips and storage problems. Edwin also got very involved on online platforms spreading the prepper’s gospel. He believes the best chances of safety and self-sufficiency lie in being ready and off the grid.
He began to write his first book after the pandemic in a bid to help more people take charge of their fates. Among other things, Edwin teaches people how to,
● Defend their house and family against danger
● Develop the prepper’s mindset
● Deal with health emergencies
● Ensure they have adequate emergency supplies
● Budget effectively while living off-grid
● Live off-grid on a tight budget
● Purify and store water safely
● Stockpile food, water and other essentials
● Make the right fuel and energy choices
Edwin lives with his wife and last-born son in California. He is an avid golfer and loves a game of tennis.