About The Interview of Self: How Looking Inside can help you find Happiness and Success
Happiness is more than just a state of mind or mood, it is an attitude reflected in a work ethic. Burnout happens in our careers as well as during our lives. When your burned out in life, or dissatisfied with career choices, you need to make changes. Change is scary though, and how can you trust yourself to make the right decision and take a risk? The answer lies within you. You just need to take an honest look at yourself. (The Interview of Self) Brent M. Jones is a business executive and career development coach who developed strategies and motivated over 500 job seekers in the last few years to help them face and understand the changes they needed to make. His personal experience and success within the business world has given him the uniquely human perspective behind facing change and he is eager to share what he has learned. In this inspiring book, Brent explores the importance of owning your life story to discover what’s truly important to you deep down as you build your career. This guide includes: -Why staying curious and taking the time to learn about yourself and others is key to success and a sustained happiness -How to find inspiration and motivation -How to channel your energy toward finding true meaning and purpose -How to use the information you learned to land the job you want -The superpower of gratitude Don’t stumble into a big change in your life. Be curious first, and work on your personal development so you can make educated decisions for your own benefit here on out.
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Author Bio:
Brent M. Jones is a business executive, career development coach, and consultant. For years, Brent has been dedicated to motivating and educating people and even employees struggling with their job or career in this rapidly changing economy. He has helped hundreds of candidates to revaluate themselves for a career change and acquire the skills needed for the job they desire while learning to navigate the marketplace. True to the words Practice what you Preach, Brent established his very own entrepreneurial sales company that covered 15 Western states and helped hundreds of entrepreneurs grow their businesses. Besides, he has helped multiple large companies with business operations and during the process, developed a new perspective of the business world. Brent reinvented himself while assisting people in finding new jobs and realized the importance of networking and relationships in their true sense. Brent doesn’t only give directions but truly feels it in his heart to make a difference in peoples’ lives. His books and blogs are clear proof of how deeply he connects to people’s emotional aspects. He has carefully curated detailed and real-life insights on succeeding in job seeking with actionable advice. Brent believes in adapting to the changes with innovative strategies that will help people follow their passion and attain success while inspiring them to listen to their inner voices.
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