About The New World Order Agenda by Iyanu Akinrinade
The history of humanity is replete with megalomaniacs who sought to rule over all mankind. These saw themselves as special and superior to all others, and their cabal, the chosen people to rule the world. They conquered other lands by force of arms and unleashed terror and mass slaughter upon all those who dared to resist their ruthless reign or question their decisions. They imposed their own laws and values on conquered, subjugated lands and peoples. They sought to create a New World (Order) and be “God” over it. From the likes of Nebuchadnezzar of Ancient Babylon to the kings of Asian and European colonial powers of the 20th century, these cruel dictators refused to tolerate opposition which, to them, just had to be crushed.
Although most people are of the view that the era of attempts at world domination and achieving a one world totalitarian government is over, there are still many who believe there is a New World Order Agenda being implemented in a subtle and unnoticeable manner by some individuals, the fulcrum being the establishment of a One World Government which shall impose its values and laws upon the world. Though these “conspiracy theories” are largely scoffed at, this book successfully proves that the fears are real and justified, not imagined. The danger is clear and present, though not in the form perceived by the “theorists”. The driving force and power behind the push for a New World Order and a One World Government is exposed in this book. It is a force and power that is not of this world.
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Author Bio:
Lawyer, Poet, Writer, Realtor, Music Artist, Golden Ruler (do unto others as you want done unto you)