Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a pharmacist by trade, lover of all things science, baker of goods, surprisingly impressive interior painter, and mother to a very inquisitive and energetic budding scientist. I love teaching my little one about the world around him, so much that I’ve created the “Think-A-Lot-Tots” collection; an educational series of science books for babies, toddlers and kids (pre-K and elementary school). I am both author and illustrator which makes every book near and dear to me! I currently have 3 books available and 2 more coming down the pipeline.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Of the 3 books I currently have available, 2 are books to be read and 1 is a book to be written in.
The latest of my books to be read is “Think-A-Lot-Tots: The Neuron”. It follows suit with my first book, “Think-A-Lot-Tots: The Animal Cell” in that it describes a cell within our body step-by-step, both introducing the topic of cellular biology to the young reader through colorful and engaging pictures while also building on scientific vocabulary. My Neuron book takes things a step further by not only explaining what the nerve cell’s parts are, but also what it does.
The first and latest of my books to be written in is “Think-A-Lot-Tots: My Science Lab Notebook”. This is a hands-on learning tool for older children (I’d say those in elementary school) that walks the reader through the scientific method; specifically, how to approach a question (or “hypothesis”) and what steps are taken to find the answer. In developing this notebook I kept in mind that children learn not only by writing-out activities, but also by drawing them too. As a result, there are areas reserved for the reader to draw or attach a photograph of the experiment or process they completed in order to answer their question.
All of my books are inspired by my own little one’s drive to learn (and my own efforts as a mom to teach as much as I can!).
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I only work on my books after my child is fast asleep. The days are dedicated to his activities and development, so my writing-time is usually from 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM. That and I typically have a container filled with dark chocolate chips by my side as I write and draw.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I began down the path of creating my “Think-A-Lot-Tots” books after many hours of searching for material that I was initially hoping would already be available and out there for my child and I to explore. One of the books that made me think “hey, I could do this” was “Quantum Physics for Babies” by Chris Ferrie. My little one enjoyed talking about the electrons as I become animated, jumping and dancing with “energy.” So I figured if he can learn the parts of an atom, why not learn the parts of the cell?
What are you working on now?
I have 2 books in the works; one discusses the classification of microorganisms and is on the cusp of becoming available (I am particularly proud of my spirochete drawings!). The other is a work-in-progress that I’m very excited about. Moving away from the topic of biology, this book will discuss the atom and several elements from the periodic table (so more of a physics / chemistry-focus).
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m not sure that I have the best answer for this question as I’m so new to the world of being an author. With that said, I find word of mouth to be the most valuable. (Tell your friends!)
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Creating your own books can be a lot of work; however, if you enjoy doing it, it will never feel that way. Always remember why you started putting pen to paper in the first place.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
The advice I just gave actually! It was passed on to me and is essentially my mantra.
What are you reading now?
I’m currently participating in a book review group and am diving into several unexpected fantasy fiction novels. One of the reasons why I enjoy participating in these groups is because it expands my reading into genres and / or books that I wouldn’t otherwise pick for myself. I have to say, I have been pleasantly surprised by what I am reading thus far!
What’s next for you as a writer?
To continue writing and learning. As Dori puts it’s best, “Keep on swimming, keep on swimming…”
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
2 of anything Philippa Gregory
1 of something astrophysics
and the book I have on my nightstand about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity because I have been meaning to finally get to it…!
Author Websites and Profiles
Thomai Dion Amazon Profile
Thomai Dion’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Just wanted to say thank you so much again for the opportunity to share here!
You are very welcome. We blast out the interviews every once in a while on our social media and I encourage you to do that also.