Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Over the last ten years, I have gone off to college, left my home in New York City to live in Philly, had a child, graduated college, came back to New York, and told my “9-5” to take their job and shove it. Currently, I’m still in New York City where I have started my own business, Phoenix Jones Publishing LLC.
When I am not writing I enjoy spending time with my loved ones, listening to music, going to the gym, and baking cupcakes.
I have written two novels, so far, only one is published so far. I have three more projects in the works.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Loving Blake is my first fiction release and a conversation was had about a rather popular novel that was in circulation when a thought popped up about a similar concept being used but with the female as the dominant role. It was supposed to mimic some parts of a relationship that I was in, but as these characters grew in my head, so did the story, and I had to change it. It had morphed from such a simple idea that I was supposed to pull from personal experience into something dreamt up out of my imagination.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Other than me having to write after midnight to five a.m.?? No I don’t think so. But once I start an idea I have to complete it. I can’t stop until its fleshed out… I always come back to edit it later though.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Dean Koontz taught me, at a very young age, to illustrate your thoughts so visually that the reader can be as scared or happy as you want them to be. Extract emotions from your work.
Pen Fist, has recently taught me not to be afraid to say exactly what you want to happen to your characters… no matter how twisted or deranged it may be. Always keep your work honest.
What are you working on now?
I just finished the manuscript to the sequel of Loving Blake. Loving Nina is definitely darker than its sister novel, and I believe my readers will enjoy it, maybe even more so than the first novel.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Honestly has been wonderful so far for me making connections to readers, bloggers, and sites like this. Or there will be links to other sites within a post that can send me to other sites which will help me promote. I just keep clicking links, and continue to be myself and thoroughly fill out all forms and questionnaires.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
ALWAYS write! I know life has this wonderfully weird way of getting in the way, but the most important thing is to continue writing. I understand if you have to take breaks, but make sure you always come back to finish what you have started. See your idea through to its completion. Even if that idea, is to just have one copy in your hand or on your screen. See it through and don’t do what I did and skimp on the services you need… like editing! Now I have to pay to get my first novel re-edited because the first time I had it done, I had it done for free. So between what that individual missed and what my biased eyes couldn’t see… there are some grammatical mistakes laced through my “published” work. Now with the second novel, the sequel, I am paying them to edit both works, and I’m going to re-release the edited work. Thankfully enough, the errors aren’t glaring enough to detract from the story as my readers have had all good things to say.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
What anyone else thinks about you is NONE of your business.
What are you reading now?
I am reading Irrefutable Proof by Abby Vandiver, and Alexander Murphy’s home for Wayward Celebrities
What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m switching genres from Romance to Yound Adult. I have a manuscript that I’ve been fiddling with for over two years now and I really want to bring it to fruition.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Warehouse Series by Pen Fist, and the Erotic Fantasies anthology. If I get bored with those I can always write my own books out of squid ink and palm leaves 🙂
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Congrats to an amazing writer. I always knew you could do it