About Trails: First Generation by Gail Brown
Disaster builds on disaster.
The Earth shakes and begins the process of opening the Rio Sea, where once a great ocean thrived.
As the shaking continues, Yellowstone awakes, blanketing much of the continent with ash, and inducing a multi-year winter and famine for those who survived the quakes, volcano, and societal unrest.
The rules have changed. Competition is no longer king.
People and animals must adapt to a changed world, reliant on each other.
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Author Bio:
Gail Brown began reading at far too young an age. Her preferred reading material was nonfiction, with biographies and science being at the forefront of her library excursions.
Her ability to memorize and use all the grammar rules in school years led to working in the school library while classmates caught up. All of those rules, and diagramming sentences was easy and relaxing. For many years. All forgotten now. Except the joyful memories of preparing the library for others to use.
Along the way, she found fiction and science fiction to help bring hope and light to a world of colorful dreams. A world where disability was accepted, people lived their lives without overwork and fear.
As an adult, gardening, and preparing the garden bounty, was her way to relax. To think. To make order out chaos.