Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Well Like I said in the author bio for my book, I’m a huge fan of Fantasy in general, be it literature, movies/series, anime or videogames. I just love to see worlds and characters that seem otherworldy yet always kind of anchored on how we view the normal world.
About books, admitedly only one proper has been made, a very long one, but only one, which I broke into 6 volumes for accesivibility. You could say I make the mistake of putting all my eggs into one baskted, this effort includes planning all the characters, backstories, world building and all that jazz.
Then I spent like 2-3 years translating it on the side, from its OG language Spanish, into English, so now I plan to release semi-regularly through this shorter “Volume” format with bilingual releases.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Destiny Changers: Liahona’s Guidance. And while this may not get me much points with the readers, it was inspired mainly by the videogame The World Ends With You and the Anime/manga HunterxHunter, also my love for creating excentric chracters comes from my love of the Ace Attorney videogame Franchise
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I play the rhythm game “Osu!” for like half an hour before writing anything, it gets blood pumping into my brain. I also like to meditate.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Sorry for the non-answer, but besides the ones I listed on the other question, It’s hard to pintpoint any in specific, everything I consume ends up influencing me and my writing, some in small ways, others in bigger ones.
What I can say is that I always try to consume a diverse quantity and kinds of media, precisely to have more from where to draw from, and I would recommend any aspiring author to do the same, or they may risk even their original works to feel like a Fanfic.
What are you working on now?
Re-writing the sequel’s plans, as they are 3 years old, and I don’t feel as satisfied by them as I used to be.
I hope that means I improved over the last few years, and the end product will be much better than it would have been otherwise.
I also want to start properly planning a spin off based on a side character that will be introduced on the sequel. Heh… In some ways I may be more excited about that one than I am about the sequel proper.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I am a total noob when it comes to that, so I guess… awesome gang!!!!! Ha haha, or at least I hope I can say that about you guys in a month or so.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t let yourself be stuck by a single mindset, author or genre, and plan a lot!
What are you reading now?
In between my own projects and my dayjob I haven’t had much time to read books, I end up leaning on videogames for stress relief, sorry for the non-answer again
What’s next for you as a writer?
More writing? In truth my current plans are to fully finish this saga, then move on to videogame desiging, my hope is that the sucess from this books help me finance mid-sized interactive project, as I am a huge fan of Game design theory, in many ways it just fascinates me how much you can make a person experience than with simple stories being told to them.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The frigging most T H I C C in the market, at least they would keep me warm at night. Ha ha ha.
Say what you want, but in a Desert island my last concern would be how use leisure time at all, probabbly would just drop on the bed made of leaves and skinned animals after a long day of not dying.
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