Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Valerie M. Quinata (1960 – )
I was born and grew up in Akron, Ohio, and spent most of my life in the Midwest. My love of reading began in the 3rd grade and my fate was sealed three years later when I took first place in a reading contest and won…you guessed it, a book! If there was an Olympic medal for reading, I would take gold, having mastered the ability to read anywhere, while walking, sitting, standing, or lying down.
The memoir remains one of my favorite genres and my goal has been that writing about my life experiences would benefit more than me. It wasn’t until I was given a diagnosis of breast cancer in 2016 that writing became a necessity as I processed through the challenges of a serious illness. Three years later, I was compelled to pull together all of my individual writings and create a story about healing from cancer.
I have written 2 books. One is the beginning of a series called Gifts of a Warrior – Book One is titled, Heal the Sick. I have also released a book of free scripture art that highlights encouragement.
I work with my own art as well as with the work of artists who provide license-free photography, so my scripture art is always free, downloadable and ready to us as wallpaper on your cell phone or printed off in any form you wish. Where possible, please keep my watermark or reference the piece as originating from
The process I use involves documenting the work of identifying spiritual challenges, addressing them in partnership with the Holy Spirit in a loving, forgiving way, and using the Word of God to heal.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Part of my experience involved the use of scripture art and the creation of a blog where I posted my daily devotions, usually including scripture art that matched my passage for the day. During a lazy Christmas holiday, I began organizing three years’ worth of scripture art. The process took a few days and I realized that each day, at the end of the reviewing and cataloging process, my mood was so much better – the peace, joy, calm and positivity practically radiated off of me and stayed with me until the next day. It didn’t require meditation, only the brief process of reading scripture and enjoying the visual art of each piece. That’s when I learned the power of viewing and reading visual images of scripture each day.
As a result, I created the book, Meditations on Encouragement, a book of scripture art that features passages that highlight the presence of God in our lives as a protector, encourager, and someone who is FOR YOU, who wants you to know He is not a force – He is THE force, and His Word is powerful in your life.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I have a family, so my writing takes place around 4:00 a.m.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
My favorite book of all time is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. As a child with a challenging family life, this heroine, who spoke her truth relentlessly and experienced her faith in God in a way that was real for her; not pious, not fake or forced, but full of authentic struggle and reverence, illustrated a path of freedom for me. She wrestled before God with her issues – beautiful writing and a perfect mix of mystery, romance and spirituality.
What are you working on now?
My next piece is about generational impacts involving poverty, criminal behavior and historic oppression. There are forces that try to shape our lives based on generational issues and the Holy Spirit has lead me to and through some pretty wild processes to get to the bottom of family issues with poverty, including a family murder….
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I am learning that right now, and appreciate the work that Awesome Gang does to help authors get their books out!
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Honestly, nothing else matters until the book is written.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Write the way you speak – no one ever had talker’s block.
What are you reading now?
Bad Feminist, Roxane Gay
Undaunted, Christine Caine
The Empathetic Life of Rebecca Wright, Shan Inmon
What’s next for you as a writer?
Learning how to promote my books, writing the next book and investing in a kick ass Mac setup with a huge monitor so I can create more scripture art!
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy, Douglas Adams
Author Websites and Profiles
Valerie Quinata Amazon Profile
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Facebook Profile