This is the second year I have participated in #BEA and I am glad I found the page to sign up.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?
My name is Vinny O’Hare and I have been blogging since around the end of 1999 I guess. I started out mostly blogging about sports, I guess just like most guys. I have a few websites in the sports genre, mostly NASCAR based. My main blog is For some reason most of my sites have the word awesome in it. It is a tribute to my favorite band “The Dollyrots” who have a song called “Because I’m Awesome”
I am also a photographer and I started making books of my photography and I enjoyed the process and knowing that others can enjoy the pictures makes me happy. I am in the process of setting up a photography website now where I will be selling my books eventually.
Where in the world are you blogging from? Tell a random fact or something special about your current location. Feel free to share pictures.
Currently I am blogging from just outside of Phoenix Arizona. This is my home while we are rebuilding the house back in Queens NYC. The Hurricane got us good! Back in NYC we live near the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge which provides me a great background for my photography. If you are ever in Queens NY you have to go there. It is very peaceful watching the birds and other animals.
I can spend hours there and just sit without taking pictures. It really is a gem in the city that most people don’t know is there. It is about an hour by subway from downtown Manhattan.
What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far this year?
I am re-reading Sammy Hagar’s book “Red” I read it last year but he has since come out with an updated version and added a chapter to it. Since I read it right before the hurricane I kind of forgot some of the details of the book. It isn’t what I expected, It is a good book about businesses and life. Sammy is quite the businessman.
Which is your favorite post that you have written that you want everyone to read?
Funny that I come across this question as I was just revisiting a post that I wrote a while ago about being in the right place at the right time. You have to plan if you want to be in the right place. It is amazing the results you can get by planning a little bit.
What is your favorite part about the book blogging community?
I like the way the community helps each other out. Being in the Indy publishing world I get to visit a lot of websites by people that don’t know how to make a website. I can offer them SEO advice and help them rank better for their books. I love helping authors get sales for their books. I believe it comes full circle.
Nice intro 🙂 Love your site!