Are you an author who has a limited ad budget? We would like to help you out with a contest where you could win some book promotions. Our prize this month is a featured listing on This is a site I put together where you only fill out one form and it gets you a featured ad spot across all the Awesomegang family of sites. The current value for this is $75.
1) A Featured Ad on a $10 value
2) A Featured Ad on a $25 value
3) A Featured Ad on $25 Value
4) A Featured Ad on $15 Value
5) A featured ad on
Please share the contest with your author friends using the social buttons on the bottom of this post.
I also encourage you to join our once a week authors newsletter. It contains tips about getting more readers and interviews with authors that share what they are doing to promote their books
Well now well now, I have done all these things you ask, just one query; leave a blog post where, on my blog, on your blog or perhaps on someone else’s blog altogether?!
It should be leave a blog comment on this page. Did I word it wrong?
Leave your comments here
Every new author always struggles to build an audience of avid readers. And usually, as you so wisely point out, we don’t have much of a budget to do that! Word of mouth is always the best type of advertising, but until you get past the tipping point for that, its nice to try to take advantage of every opportinity that presents itself! Thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks for the comment Erika. I agree many authors, especially new ones don’t have a marketing budget or even know they should have one. Thanks for entering our contest and good luck.
I’d love to win an ad with Awesome; it’s a helpful and growing site. My marketing budget is tiny right now, so I use the free mention in their newsletter, but someday I’ll be able to buy an ad!
Thanks for entering Gloria – Have you filled out an author interview on the site. That is a great way to get free promotion also. We blast that through our social media, post on Goodreads, Post to forum, and goes out in our Saturday authors only newsletter. It is my way of helping authors.
As a new author, I need all the help I can get, and this is a great place to get help! Thanks for your great support!
Thank you for the info Vinny, now I think I see,
You’d like a blog about marketing from lil’ ol’ me,
Promote only when you are in a happy mood,
And never promote your books by being far too rude,
Try to make your posts interesting, clever and funny,
And try not to part with a large amount of money,
Now I feel there is one thing I should stress,
Never go and give your cash to a vanity press,
Blog, tweet and update your Facebook status as often as you can,
Make contact with other authors and befriend your only fan,
Be courteous, considerate and always be kind,
And you will slowly find,
You’ll get people interested and make them all see,
Especially when you give your book away for free,
Sit back, relax and be rather nice,
And always think about the price,
People will not part with their cash unless the price is low,
Particularly for an author they do not even know,
Always remember to write purely for fun,
Never think that your profit will be a huge great sum,
And pray for exposure to the lord above,
Because self-publishing is a labour of love,
Hi Vinny,
I used your wonderful services earlier this year and, when I saw this offer, I couldn’t resist. I have a promotion for the Moa Books during July which could greatly benefit from your support.
many thanks,
Thanks for the kind words Tricia glad we could help. 🙂
These are great, Vinny! Thanks for always being such a wonderful support – I wish I had your energy some days.
Thanks for the nice comment. Much appreciated.
This would be so awesome to win! I literally don’t have a spending budget and I’m both stressed and struggling. This would allow me to sleep a little easier at night. Thank you for all the opportunities you have given to me and all Indie authors! ♥
You are very welcome! I like to look out for authors that don’t have a marketing budget yet.
Awesomegang is a great resource and would love to win promotion for my novels, CAPE MAYBE and PEACE BY PIECE.
thanks for the chance to enter carol
I’d love an advert. I’m just starting out and am totally new to the marketing game.
I live what Awesome does for writers and would live to win this. Awesome has brought writers together with readers in a great way. What a lovely way to promote books and authors
What a great opportunity!
Thank you Vinny. I just shared the contest on my FB author page and signed up for your once-weekly newsletter. Merry Christmas.
I already get the newsletters but it would be great not to have to fill out countless forms. I’d love to win.
Thanks for everything you do, Vinny.
Thanks for entering.
Thanks for entering and sharing it.
Vinny, When you mentioned authors on a limited budget, you hit me on the head, I am so looking forward to winning this contest. Thanks for running it.
Joe Bob Newman
Hi Joe
Thanks for entering. We like to give back to new authors from time to time. WE plan on having new contest monthly.
I hope everyone takes advantage of the author interview – mine posted today and it is, of course, awesome! Thanks for all the support and guidance you provide authors every day.
Awesome! Thanks for making such a great promotion available!
Thank you Vinny, I would love to enter this competition but not sure what I have to do?
Hi Karen this promortion has been over for a while now. I will let you know when we do another.